Hello Manjaro users. I am needing help with my system. In order for you guys to understand better, I work with:
1 notebook with Manjaro Linux. Lets call it PC1
1 desktop computer with Windows 10. Lets call it PC2
Note that, due to a recent robbery, the monitor I used with the desktop computer was stolen. Now I need to use PC2 somehow, but I dont have another monitor to use, so I thought I could use the PC1’s screen. I can connect PC2 to PC1 via VGA or HDMI, but I dont know how. Any ideas?
Note: I started using Manjaro and Linux about a week ago so… dont expect a lot of knowledge LOL
what about remote desktop? search the internet “linux windows remote”
for example something like remmina (never tried and there are also other solutions) but this might be a fix for your needs, it’s worth a try and you can install it from the official repositories. give it a try and tell us about
If you want to remotely control your windows without a monitor the initial setup will require a monitor or a crash cart adapter - Crash Cart Adapter - USB - Video Capture - KVM Switches - but you would be able to enable RDP and use remmina or krdc with freerdp to control the box without a monitor.