Update requests for packages built by Manjaro developers

Indeed. It was in Manjaro unstable before it was in Arch stable. :wink:

@GaVenga Before fiddling around with Arch packages, make sure you’re up to date on Manjaro first. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Gnome-shell-extension “Dash-To-Panel”
New virgin on GitHupe

Sorry, are you running GNOME 44? Do you need some maintenance? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Since I’m testing GNOME 44, I already updated it last week in the 44 branch.

Not running, but testing :innocent:
You are faster than light (you know Perry Rhodan?)
Btw.: V56 is running on Gnome43 too - good for our 2 monitor PC - former Vs were “unstable”

Well, since 56 is also compatible with GNOME 43, I’ve pushed it now.

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plasma-theme-minisforum is entirely out of date and incompatible now.

(depends on plasma5-themes-breath)

Example here:

Plasma packages related slimbook are in a similar state.

Example here:

Its beginning to look like a lot of these OEM/partnership packages are specifically being missed.
Which is probably not very desirable.

peruse has dated plasma5 deps and should be updated or removed.

It’s unmaintained and nothing requires it. I’ll drop it from the repos.

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I guess octopi needs some love too?

The old incompatible OEM theme packages were dropped from the repos earlier.

It’s is fixed now.


@Yochanan spectre-meltdown-checker has a False positive for CVE-2017-5715 on linux 6.9, retpoline not recognized · Issue #490 · speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker · GitHub

The Reporter also added a solution for Linux 6.9.x
RETPOLINE check needs to be replaced by this:


I am not sure how fast the maintainer of the project will be to add this fix.
Not a April fool but it was reported on 4/1

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First of all, that’s packaged by Manjaro, not Arch. Note I moved your reply to the proper thread.

That’s an upstream issue, not a packaging issue.

I’m going to drop it from repos. No one knows what it is, it’s no longer properly maintained and it’s obviously causing confusion.

Problem solved. :white_check_mark:


I found it was a really nice tool.

Not anymore, apparently. Either way, it’s just a script, download it and run it. No need for it to be packaged.

:information_source: This is not a place for discussion. The thread is designed for one reason and one reason only.

:warning: Off-topic discussion may self-destruct with no warning. :bomb:


It does not hurt for me to not have it installed on the system. If I need it I will grab the script.

  1. It is an optional requirement — functionally, not packaging-wise — for kinfocenter, and possibly for similar tools in other desktop environments.

  2. Considering that I received an update for it only a few days ago, I’d say that it is still being maintained.

  3. I did not install this package myself. It was pushed onto my system during one of the updates — possibly about two or three years ago — so the Manjaro team must have considered it essential at the time.

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It still shows a lot of stuff. Maybe not the newest vulnerabilities (last update to git about a year ago, although the manjaro package was updated at least 5 times in that period?), but many older ones. I too vote for leaving it. Maybe not installed by default but in the repos. And maybe with a note in the description about the 1 false positive it gives. And problem solved.

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And at least now, the CVE numbers are incorrect as Linux has an own CA.

Yes, I updated the package to the latest commit recently. I mean maintained upstream in a timely manner. It’s not.

It was included in the ISO profiles, I have no idea why. It’s been removed since. I don’t know how it could have been “pushed” as nothing depends on it.