[Unstable Update] May 2024 Edition

The Octopi Qt6 version is now complete with fixes including a correct version. You may need to install it manually as the new version is 0.15.0+19+ga081ac2b-1. There was a “newer” broken 0.16dev.r19.ga081ac2b-1 version pushed erroneously earlier.

Remove that. No, creating symlinks in the system is never a “fix”.

Note that it now depends on qt-sudo and replaces the old notifier packages.


:information_source: ICU 75 rebuilds are live. If you have manjaro-settings-manager installed, remove it temporarily, update then wait for the fixed rebuild later.

EDIT: The rebuild is done with 0.5.7-22.


I have installed Manjaro-Settings-Manager 0.5.7-21, is 0.5.7-22 the rebuild? I didn’t do any update yet from yesterday.

Yes Settings manager and the Notifier have both been updated to 0.5.7-22 and now install with ICU 75

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@robin0800 Thanks!

A post was split to a new topic: Error: extra database is inconsistent

symlink removed and octopi works. my operational fix definition: getting an update-broken app to run. I’ll call it “work around” next time.

In the past, SDDM seemed to remember which session I started, either the X11 or Wayland session.

Now, it appears to just go straight to Wayland on a new start, regardless of the previous selection. Is there a workaround for this bug?

Edit: I’ve also got pamac crashing on me, when trying to do updates :confused:

If anything it should be the opposite as manjaro patched it to default to x11 (and then we had reports of people who had been using wayland being switched to x11 by default).

Interesting, I seem to lack that patch. Is it recent? Perhaps my mirror isnt updated yet?

Edit: I see in /etc/sddm.conf.d/ I have 00_manjaro_settings.conf and kde_settings.conf (and virtualkeyboard.conf). The manjaro file just sets the theme to breath, the kde file sets autologin to use the wayland session (Session=plasma).

i use X11 session (mostly), the recent update to plasma 6.0.5 made SDDM switch to wayland without me noticing, in the next loggin-in. no biggie, after logging out and loggin in with X11 session now SDDM defaults to X11 session.


I see spectre-meltdown-checker and manjaro-settings-manager-kcm being dropped from the repos :+1:

The former is barely maintained upstream and has been causing more confusion that usefulness. It’s just a script designed to be used in user space anyway.

The latter is not compatible with KDE Plasma 6, so users would have noticed the MSM KCM no longer appeared, anyway. We just forgot to drop it sooner along with the update.

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FYI, to plasma users. SDDM default session did reset to wayland again in the update from 6.0.5-0 → 6.0.5-1

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I’ll just share my opinion regarding Plasma 6.1 Beta and NVIDIA 555 drivers, if you are interested. I’ve been testing this for two days and everything works really well, even surprising for beta version. There are no more problems with games in the Wayland session. Some users complain about the problems when using 2 high frequencies monitor, but there is nothing critical and I think this will be corrected to the release of a stable driver 555. There is a small problem with the frameskips, but this is easily solved by the addition of nvreg_enablegpufirmware = 0 in parameters when loading.

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I’ve tested 555 + 6.0.4 with explicit sync patches and I’ve had a weird problem with fullscreen videos in Firefox, fps drops to 30 and even lower which makes watching videos really bad. It almost feels like vrr kicks in somehow. Do you use vrr? Can you test if this happens in 6.1?

As I wrote earlier, no I don’t see any problems, make sure to add the following parameters: nvidia_drm.modeset=1 nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 nvidia.NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
Perhaps this is some kind of problem specific to your equipment.
UPD: Perhaps this topic will be useful for you 555 release feedback & discussion - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

You should have 6.0.5-1.0.

Has anyone else had bluetooth vanish off their system in the last few days? My Realtek RTL8822BE was working fine up until today, I believe, but was definitely working a week ago. Now KDE thinks Ive got no bluetooth adaptor installed.

I’ve had that problem for years with my Comet Lake HP Laptop. I gave up using Bluetooth in LInux.