[Unstable Update] March 2024 Edition

@cscs do you still have an Oxygen entry in Settings > Colors & Themes > Plasma Styles after removing all Ogygen stuff?
It’s from libplasma.
I don’t know why it’s packaged there and not with the oxygen package.

Yes, I do.

What was removed:
oxygen, oxygen5, oxygen-icons, oxygen-sounds
(no oxygen* packages present on system)

Upstream (KDE) does it this way, see https://download.kde.org/stable/plasma/6.0.2/libplasma-6.0.2.tar.xz

That is likely depending on your nic - in my machine it works as expected…

 $ inxi -SN
  Host: tiger Kernel: 6.8.0-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64
  Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 6.0.2 Distro: Manjaro Linux
  Device-1: Aquantia AQtion AQC107 NBase-T/IEEE 802.3an Ethernet [Atlantic
    10G] driver: atlantic
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Same here with 6.8.0-1. I have ntfs3 blacklisted as well:

[Thu Mar 14 06:10:43 2024] /dev/sdb1: Can't open blockdev
[Thu Mar 14 06:10:45 2024] /dev/sdb2: Can't open blockdev
[Thu Mar 14 06:10:50 2024] /dev/sdb1: Can't open blockdev
[Thu Mar 14 06:10:55 2024] /dev/sdb3: Can't open blockdev

The same NTFS formatted USB stick mounts fine in an Arch VM with 6.7.9-1 and Manjaro 6.7.9-1.

sudo modprobe ntfs3 allows me to mount the drive.
When I removed the modprobe blacklist, ntfs3 works/mounts fine. I think there was an issue with file corruption when using ntfs3, so the preferred driver was ntfs-3g, if I recall? Anyway, I will use this workaround until the ntfs-3g issue is fixed via kernel 6.8 updates.

In the meantime, I have been converting almost all of my NTFS external drives and USB sticks to native Linux file systems.

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So with today’s update I no longer have meta + tab to cycle through activities: it appears to have been re-mapped to meta + a. Is there documentation on this change somewhere?

alt + tab works here.

My alt tab also works - but so far as I recall thats always been to cycle through windows, not activities?

This is documented here:

The default keyboard shortcut used to open the Activity Switcher has been changed to Meta+A, so that its prior shortcut Meta+Tab can be used some something else, which is coming soon…

Thanks @freggel.doe
It’s probably due to some plasma 5 / widgets compatibilities, who knows.
I might open a bug report upstream hoping to get a quick answer why it is like that.


Going by the comment in your link, that it “doesn’t work well”, I guess I disagree but its not like its hard to fix and revert back.

I reverted back (un-blacklisted ntfs3) and then in 6.8 mounted my drive, but some time after this I get a “error I/O in file…”. I back to 6.7.9 blacklisted again and have to fix the system in the drive with “sudo ntfsfix -d /dev/sde1”, but a file is now corrupted.
If I remember well “ntfs3” is blacklisted to force the use of “ntfs-3g”, which don’t do this errors. So, I will not use kernel-6.8 for now untill a fix that will come or not.

*Removed kernel-6.8…

The NTFS3 file system works for me on kernel 6.8. I am using the Paragon driver (since its introduction) you might want to read more about switching from NTFS-3G to NTFS3
make sure you put the NTFS module line in the modules.conf file.

Interesting to see stable / testing users on unstable thread :smile:


I will have a look at the Paragon driver, but now I decided to convert ntfs of the file system to btrfs (using ntfs2btrfs) it will take some time… It’s too late! 4% in one hour :smiling_face_with_tear:. Don’t know how much time it will take…

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I like to know what problems might come up on stable later on… especially now with KDE 6 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


guranteed trouble, if you are wiser change to unstable branch ASAP.

i’m not kidding!

Good news, everyone! @LordTermor has created an initial :kde: Plasma 6 update for the Manjaro Breath themes. Please let us know how you like them or if you noticed any issues.

[New Packages]

Thank you! I tested wallpapers, SDDM, and window decorations, and they look good.

Since yesterday, I have been using KDE v6.0.2 with Manjaro, and until now, I have not seen any more plasma shell crashes. Previously, I was getting crashes every hour. It looks better.

To clarify, I have a mixed setup with CachyOS and Manjaro.

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I guess the “Good News, Everyone!” isn’t intended in the same vein as Futurama! :laughing:

Seriously though, this effort is needed and really appreciated.

If I knew how the themes worked and how to port them to a new version of Plasma, I’d be more than happy to do so. Something for me to learn?

For example, I’d like an updated version of Infinity-Solid-Global and if the author isn’t in a position to do so, I’d like to do it myself (or at least be able to).

I do see that more Plasma6 themes are being dealt with, which is nice.

Some of us are likely using VMs for testing. I am! :wink:

I am! :wave:

:gnome: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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