[Unstable Update] March 2024 Edition

Only 2 things I noticed after update to plasma 6.
It defaulted to Wayland. I boot to X11.
I use variety for my wallpaper changer. I had to change the settings for where it was getting wallpapers from and change it to slideshow and set the time interval the wallpaper changes.

Btw this one works fine too: ttf-cascadia-code-nerd
And looks extremely well imho.

Somehow llvm and clang (and non-free’s mesa) updates got to Testing, I updated them, aaaaaand this is how I learned to stop worrying and loved the Plasma 6. A couple (3-4 actually) of not working widgets I can tolerate. What I don’t quite understand though is why kup widget is looking weird (anyone having the same?) and input method panel migrated to the system tray and became less handy to use than it was when it could be configured to accomodate 2 or more icons in a row on a panel.
And that’s basically are all my “complaints” so far. The rest like Octopi having basic Qt6 looks etc is so minor compared to the major version bump we witnessed that it doesn’t worth mentioning, really.

Updated to Plasma 6 on bare metal. (Intel CPU + Intel iGPU/Nvidia GPU), all working smoothly, but there were a couple quirks (250% scaling yay).

As mentioned by the Manjaro team, most gui/themes specific to Manjaro do not work:

  • SDDM theme breaks entirely
  • Greeter does not show up in the settings
  • Breath plasma look and feel/Color scheme do work!
  • Manjaro KCM do not show in settings, but work fine as standalone

There are couple issues with SDDM for me:

  • On X proper cursor does not show up (defaulting to KDE Classic)
  • On X HiDPI scaling did not work (even that I’ve had -dpi X11 setting set by KDE "Use Plasma Settings button) EDIT: For some reason I had hidpi set to false in /etc/sddm.conf (but it should not be the default)
  • On Wayland (with kwin as compositor), you need to set proper scaling with a variable (this was not the case with plasma 5/SDDM 0.20), but the cursor is still small

Here is sddm config generated by KDE:


HaltCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff
RebootCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl reboot

Font=Noto Sans,10,-1,0,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1


ServerArguments=-dpi 240

Note that CursorSize is empty EDIT: Manually re-setting it in settings readded it to the config, but it did not solve the issue

Here is my wayland config:


CompositorCommand=kwin_wayland --drm --no-lockscreen --no-global-shortcuts --locale1

KDE Quirks

  • After updating my cursor theme was not set at all (invisible cursor), after enabling it in settings it’s fine. Note, that I used Light Breeze cursor theme before which still exists on Plasma 6
  • Some Kwin effects got disabled (like the one that conditionally changes opacity of the windows)
  • Some widgets had to be readded (stock weather widget being an example)

Aside from that everything else seems to be working fine I will do some more testing and edit this post if necessary.

So far so good, no timeshift needed so far

Some issues (nothing critical)
Manjaro-System-Monitor is lost
SDDM is completely broken
breath theme needed a bit of readjustment (basically remove all personalizations)

that’s all so far, i’ll keep testing it

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It shows here.
I must wonder if

  • A is the cursor theme available, and not in HOME ?
  • B has the ‘apply plasma settings’ been clicked in the sddm kcm ?
  • C check the config file /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf as seen below

HaltCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff
RebootCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl reboot

Font=Noto Sans,10,-1,0,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1


ServerArguments=-dpi 144

Oh I see you got it. But I’ll leave this with the outline because you arent the only one to say something like that.

If you have Qt5 apps installed, make sure to have the following packages to retain their full integration with the new Qt6 desktop, including theme, cursor, fonts.




vlc depends on qt5 and as mentioned in the other thread … you kinda need vlc… so…

Though I did remove all things oxygen (along with some other stuff).

Probably this is the same issue as on the old ksysguard that usually happens on hardware change (especially on AMD). For the old version, the fix was:

Copy the default “SystemLoad2.sgrd” file from /usr/share/ksysguard/ to ~/.local/share/ksysguard/.

The paths may be different now for the new version, so you need to look around.

On the topic of Plasma 6:
One of the cons of updating from unstable is that when I went back to testing, I cannot install anything, because of some broken dependencies (system wants to revert 2 packages back to qt-5, which I decline and thus update fails). It looks like Manjaro transition will take some time, so probably I need to go to unstable, but that comes with some risk.

In overall, I managed the first issues with sddm and the broken configs, so Plasma 6 works well. There are some bugs, but those are small and manageable. Knowing from experience, they will be quickly fixed. It’s even hard to pin-point some bugs, because some things behave a bit weirdly sometimes.

One of the small bugs is about moving launchers on the panel. It doesn’t work correctly, because you have to drag it very, very fast, otherwise some other launcher takes over the drag.
There is also no way of personalizing sounds, as it was before, so there is no startup sound anymore :frowning: .

However, in overall, the transition wasn’t so bad and Plasma 6 is an improvement, although a bit raw on the edges at the moment.

I have a question for you all. If I can’t update or install anything on testing and on unstable there is this llvm update that is also not recommended, what should I do aside waiting?

As always if you want to resync with a ‘lower’ branch (or in any other case you want to allow downgrades) you use pacman -Syuu.


This seemed to be the case on some previous boot for me, but cannot reproduce now.

Yeah, I’ve reset SDDM setting before applying them again in KDE kcm.

Issue with SDDM no respecting DPI settings might be related to SDDM 0.21 itself: sddm-0.21 HiDPI is not working · Issue #1886 · sddm/sddm · GitHub

Yeah, I know that there is a downgrade option, but it would surely break Plasma 6, so this isn’t a good idea. Usually there are no problems returning to testing, but this time there were too many basic changes.

Is there any manual intervention for this llvm and mesa related packages?

EDIT: It seems it is fixed now. According to this page:

all rebuilds are complete and in Arch stable, so I should be fine updating it, I hope…

I was able to workaround the issue with the small cursor in SDDM 0.21 under Wayland

I added a file called zz-cursor-settings.conf


Size is about the same that you would have to set on Plasma X11 session (even that SDDM itself is running under Wayland, so you don’t want to set it to the same value as in Plasma Wayland session).
Size 60 is proper for 250% scaling on 4K screen

Is extra/plasma5-themes-breath 23.0.0-1 going to be ported to plasma 6?

The theme is missing in settings (but colors, plasma style, icons, splash screen and login screen still shows Breath)

The zsh prompt is broken (looks like a mobile phone like shown by another user above).
Creating a new profile and changing font like suggested above does not work, I can not even change font, I can only change theme in the console settings > font, and something from manjaro seems to take over everything zsh so I can not use other themes either.

Nvm, I am blind. That absolutely fixed the prompt. (Yes, my name is now Bednas, that was not a dyslectic typo at all)

But still.
Will the theme be ported so it can be used globally?

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I could fix SDDM by removing the Battery and WallpaperFading sections in the config

Open /usr/share/sddm/themes/breath/Main.qml

Remove/Comment the respective sections, log off and sddm is working again.

EDIT: plasma-systemmonitor is working now

I just switched (Longin Screen SDDM) to Breeze, changed my background picture to the one I had on Breath and it looks exactly the same.
I rather wait for an update of the Manjaro theme and use Breeze in the meantime.

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Icon of the package manager is broken (since Plasma i now using icons from the icon theme and not the plasma style)

This is the icon for “X updates are available”

@Kjplay, what do you mean? What is wrong with the icon? I have the same one and have had it since the beginning.

On plasma 5 it’s a different one, something more similar to this:

This looks like a Discover icon.

As far I know, the icons in the systray depend on the chosen icon theme, at least in Plasma 6. In Plasma 5, some icons were taken from icon theme, some from desktop theme and that was confusing and messy. This was fixed in the latest Plasma as I recall - icons are no longer from various places but from one - icon theme or app.

I’m using Breeze Dark icons and see the same icon as you. It is possible that if you saw a different one before, it was from your desktop theme and now that this is no longer the case, the icon changed to icon theme. Of course, icon themes don’t have all icons, so program specific icons often come from the default ones installed by the app, in this case by Pamac and since the default icon theme is used, the default icon from the app is used as well.

At least that is what I think happens. I may be wrong thou, so if anyone has some insights on that topic, let us know.

The circular icon is probably from the Breath theme, which won’t work at the moment. I had that for update notices for almost 4 years.