[Unstable Update] August 2024 Edition

Welcome to the new monthly unstable branch thread.

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Known Issues

mesa-nonfree repo has been discontinued

The mesa-nonfree repo has been taken down - it has served it’s purpose.
The removal instruction is kept online at https://nonfree.eu.
To reflect this https://forum.manjaro.org/t/unstable-manjaro-community-mesa-nonfree-codecs/135012 has been updated and closed.

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Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

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A post was split to a new topic: Xdg-desktop portal core-dump

Plasma 6.1 isn’t still unstable repo?

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Yes, it is. :wink:

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Noisetorch (from manjaro repo) depends on pulseaudio, and this conflicts with pipewire-pulse (required by manjaro-pipewire).

The actual noisetorch package is supposed to work with either Pipewire or Pulseaudio, though. Seems that previously, pipewire-pulse provided pulseaudio but that this has changed: Why does `pipewire-pulse` no longer declare `provides=(pulseaudio)`? (#10) · Issues · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / pipewire · GitLab


I think pipewire is going to completely remove any dependency on pulse to be an audio system by is own. Pulse is deprecated.

It is? I know the development on it is slow today, but this is news to me. There still a bunch of software relying on it.

@Jaypee Maybe not, based on what you said. I have to uninstall “pa-applet”, “pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa” and “pulseaudio-ctl” to install pipewire-pulse.

Hope will come soon some bugfix release to stable too… :smiley:

I have a question: can someone build the EGL-Wayland package
From Release · NVIDIA/egl-wayland · GitHub ? Version 1.1.14 causes many problems, and 1.1.13 does not work with the 560 video diver.
Since NVIDIA solved the problem in this beta version of the driver, I would like to switch to it.

Someone already did. :wink:

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Surprisingly, I was sure that I recently checked this version and was not on the list.
Thank you.

As Plasma 6.1.4 has released, is there a chance that we see 6.1.x on the testing/stable branch?


there comes a point where folks are just going to switch distros to one that actually updates packages

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If you are on Unstable Branch (which I assume you are since you are posting in the Unstable Update thread), then you should already be on Plasma 6.1.

If you are not on Unstable Branch & want Plasma 6.1 immediately, then you can easily switch to it by running the following commands:

sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch unstable

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syu

Mesa is archived? Version 1:24.1.5-2 has been released and I wanted to check the Manjaro PKGBUILD for any changes. I wound up using the Arch PKGBUILD. Is mesa coming direct from Arch now?

At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I am going to answer with a very careful “yes”. :wink:


So what does this mean? It was created to avoid licensing issues with h264/h265. And now we use all codecs again. I welcome it btw.

I sure hope so :pray: