[Unstable Update] 2021-09-21 - Nvidia 470.74, ZFS 2.1.1, KDE-git

Thanks for the quick update to Nvidia driver packages. At first, my mirrors only offered the Linux kernel updates, which lead to magic number mismatch with Nvidia on the next boot.
Good practice for system rescue :sweat_smile:

Just use nvidia-dkms package and forget about such likelihood of version number mismatch.
Your Ryzen CPU is sure capable to quickly build any module.

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Somewhere down the road I wasn’t seeing thumbnails for heic/heif images on dolphin.

Had to edit /usr/share/kservices5/imagethumbnail.desktop to add image/heif to the MimeType= line.

After the haveged 1.9.14-2 update, boot times for both systemd-random-seed.service and systemd-resolved.service significantly spiked as reported by systemd-analyze blame. I resolved this by reverting to haveged 1.9.14-1.

It is reported that haveged is obsolete since kernel v5.6.


Since the recent update of docker-compose to 2.0.0-1
the command doesn’t work anymore (command not found)

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There is already a Bug Report at Arch Linux FS#72281 : [docker-compose] PLEASE ENTER SUMMARY which describes your issue.


I’m not really sure where to report this, but I added the kde-unstable repo.
It works all fine but libgit2 1.2 doesn’t work with kate, it needs libgit2 1.1.
In kde i was told this is a manjaro packaging issue, a simple downgrade of libgit2 solved the issue.

edit: problem is solved with the latest update of kate, now it requires the newest libgit2 as it should.

:information_source: PSA for PipeWire users:

Reenable any per-user enabled pipewire-media-session.service manually to establish a new service alias for pipewire-session-manager.service added with 0.3.38.

systemctl --user enable pipewire-media-session

See the release notes for more info:


Fixed in 2.0.1

$ systemctl enable --user pipewire-session-manager
Failed to enable unit: Refusing to operate on alias name or linked unit file: pipewire-session-manager.service

Enabling the service providing the alias works though:

$ systemctl enable --user pipewire-media-session
Created symlink /home/.../.config/systemd/user/pipewire-session-manager.service → /usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire-media-session.service.
Created symlink /home/.../.config/systemd/user/pipewire.service.wants/pipewire-media-session.service → /usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire-media-session.service.

Thanks for the heads up folks! @Yochanan @freggel.doe

I think this is a remark that needs to be added to the next stable announcement (you guys might picture why) :wink:

Oops, copied & pasted the wrong service name. I edited my post.


I’ve got some cold sweat today. I always update through terminal with pacman or with Pamac in GUI.
This time, I’ve had some updates, notably critical ones such as gnome-shell, mutter and linux 514.

Since several weeks, os-prober within update-grub seems to last forever (in Gnome, as well as in KDE). I’ve had a shallow read about it, and forgot if there was a fix about it.

Stuck kernel update at os-prober stage + blazing fast discharging battery = dying computer amidst important update process :scream:

When I boot again, gone my Manjaro KDE and Gnome Arch entries in grub (obviously, os-prober never ended)… Gone my gdm login screen customization…

Reflex : tty. I opened /var/log/pacman.log to note all the packages that I had to update, failed because of locked /var/lib/pacman/db.lck, successfully reinstalled the packages and waited several minutes os-prober to complete. All was well after reboot. :partying_face:

Moral of the story : I’ll always install critical updates in tty (yes, I know, some here have always advised to do so…)

The 'Lost ability of file transfer (MTP-protocol) from/to Android device' issue somehow got fixed for me

Mentioned here:
[Unstable Update] 2021-09-21 - Nvidia 470.74, ZFS 2.1.1, KDE-git - #15 by alven

I did current (unstable) branch updates only.

I posted that in the (external) bug report mentioned there.

It was the nautilus + tracker3 / tracker3-miners update.

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I have no nautilus, no tracker3-miners, but currently have the

$ pacman -Qi tracker3 | grep Ver
Version         : 3.2.0-2


After update of vte3 from 0.64.2-2 to 0.66.0-1 I get following error every time when open Tilix:

bash: declare: PROMPT_COMMAND: not found

How to fix it?

I can’t reproduce it using ZSH, but there is a bug report about it:

FS#72346 - [vte-common] vte based terminal windows show error message on launch

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need to work on some haskell dependency

sudo pacman -S haskell-language-server
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-ghc-lib-parser", a dependency of "haskell-fourmolu"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-fourmolu", a dependency of "haskell-hls-fourmolu-plugin"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-hls-fourmolu-plugin", a dependency of "haskell-language-server"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-ghc-lib-parser", a dependency of "stylish-haskell"
warning: cannot resolve "stylish-haskell", a dependency of "haskell-hls-stylish-haskell-plugin"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-hls-stylish-haskell-plugin", a dependency of "haskell-language-server"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

I can’t reproduce that, make sure your mirrors are up to date.