Unable to open a file from my portable drive to a program

Yes… that is exactly the issue. Snap is hardcoded to use only the home folder. LinuxMint don’t have snaps as I know. So that is the issue. No idea how to change that, but you can use steam and discord from the official manjaro repo (no snap or flatpak).

Oh my, thank god a potential fix. Could you link it? (Also I’m going to use Snap for only stuff that don’t require me to open files…)

There is nothing to link… just go the pamac-manager (“Add/Remove Software”) and remove the snap package and install the native one… just look at the captions:


I can’t find Snap in there, so I’ll just do sudo snap remove discord .

error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Save data of snap "discord" in automatic snapshot set #2 (cannot create archive:
tar: 137/.config: file changed as we read it)


discord still running?

Yeah it is.

Now you know what to do.

I dont?
(Accidentally pressed solution instead of reply. :skull:

Shut it down! :smiley:

Then what else? Run the command again?

Holy moly. It works. I’ll try Steam now.
It works!! Thank you so much, and I’m sorry for wasting your time over this simple fix. :sob:

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