We need to clarify a few points.
The wiki is at wiki.manjaro.org : VirtualBox - Manjaro Linux
It’s separate from the forum, so nothing like a “wiki post”.
To edit it we need a separate login, and we need to ask for it by email.
(See here: Basic Submission Rules - Manjaro Linux) -
There is a HowTo in the Tutorials section of this forum
[HowTo] VirtualBox - Installation - USB - Shared Folder
made by @linux-aarhus. It’s more up-to-date than the wiki page.
That’s not a wiki post either. (Well, it could be, but he didn’t mention it,
and I’m on TL2 so I can’t see an edit button even if it is.) -
WeI should have checked virtualbox-ext-oracle-manjaro more carefully.
AUR (en) - virtualbox-ext-oracle-manjaro
There is nothing on that page that says it’s an ‘official’ Manjaro production,
so it’s not guaranteed to be always there.
It was 2 days late for the 2020-09-11 stable update.
(Edit: it would be great if Manjaro maintainers would make it part of their update process, but until then — )
We still need to check versions before installing.
yay and pikaur both can use-Ssa
to search in the AUR, e.g.
pikaur -Ssa virtualbox-ext-oracle
With that command, they list each package that has “virtualbox-ext-oracle” in any part of the name or description (so they get the manjaro one as well), and show its version number.