Unable to enable G-SYNC on Viotek GFV24C monitor

Hello, I am currently trying to use g-sync on my monitor following this page but when I open nvidia-settings there is no “Allow G-SYNC on monitor not validated as G-SYNC Compatible” option on my monitor. I am using proprietary drivers with an RTX 2060 super.

Hello @Yash,

according to this page, it is Display-Port only: how can i force gsync on on an non compatible freesync monitor ? - #4 by RPGHiro - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

However, you can add


to the metamodes at your xorg file to force enable it.

:notebook: But just a note: On my research, I see no support for this on any driver above 440xx. So I guess you have to use 390xx, maybe I am wrong.

huh, I found how to enable it in nvidia x server settings but for some reason I have to re enable it every time I reboot, do u know why this is?

It most likely isn’t working at all, then. Are you using more than one monitor in the same X Screen? If so, it won’t work.

It may work with Wayland, but you’d have to switch to GNOME or KDE to try it out.

Please post your system info as outlined here:

Gnome has not implemented VRR on Wayland yet: backends/native: Add support for variable refresh rate (!1154) · Merge requests · GNOME / mutter · GitLab

For KDE it works for fullscreen applications: VRR for Wayland (!718) · Merge requests · Plasma / KWin · GitLab

However, I wouldn’t say that NVIDIA is 100% there yet for Wayland use.

This worked for me: https://askubuntu.com/a/1001150