Unable to connect my Manjaro Plasma Pinephone to the 4G network

Ok the issue was simply after an update, everything gets reverted. So here at the complete steps again:

(Recommended doing via SSH for easy copy/paste)

  1. Run qdbus --system org.ofono /quectelqmi_0 org.ofono.SimManager.GetProperties
  2. Copy CardIdentifier number
  3. Run sudo nmcli c add type gsm con-name "/quectelqmi_0/context1/<CardIdentifier>" ifname quectelqmi_0
  4. Download this script to your phone via wget: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/ofono/ofono.git/plain/test/deactivate-all
  5. Run script: cd to the place you downloaded it and run python3 deactivate-all
  6. From the phone (because you will lose SSH connection) run nmcli n off followed by nmcli n on

Note steps 5 and 6 must be done after each boot. A permanent solution is coming soon :tm: