Uid 0? setuid bit?

more or less. i need a usb, right? (for the live system)


I added a question to my previous post.

The command you want to run is like this:
chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo
you just need to amend the path

i always make sure to verify what I type in the console before pressing enter. I noticed this problem when i tried to upgrade my system.
By the way, thanks for the help.

… you typed those commands, you should know why :man_shrugging:

lol, those are the exception. SystemRescue is a good live system?

another way to access your system to try and fix it is:
at the grub prompt (hit ESC after the Bios POST to see it)
press E for edit
and add a 1 to the end of the grub command line
(the line starts with “linux” and usually ends with loglevel=3 or udev_log_priority=3)
add a space and a 1 to the end
then F10 or CTRL-X
to boot
This should land you in a root shell.

I don’t have much confidence to use the Bios, I will first try to solve the problem with live system. And again, thanks for the help

You would not be using/accessing the Bios - but the Grub prompt
which is usually hidden - you don’t get to see it normally.
Only when you press “Esc” at the right moment.

But this will not work when you have no root password set.
… I guess …

The usb live system is probably better.

SystemRescue is a good option?

not familiar with it

Is it a linux system?
then: yes

literally any linux live cd will do
one with a graphical user interface may make things easier to navigate

all you want to do is mount the / filesystem of your disk and
chmod u+s ...
the sudo binary

I already boot the system with live system, but how do I access /filesystem from the console? or the graphical user is better?

:mag: mount the / filesystem of your installed system!

Are you root in your live system?
tells you

lsblk -f
shows you your disk and partitions on it
note the name of the partition with the / filesystem on it

get root if you are not yet
sudo su -

mount the partition your root filesystem is on (the name you noted)
to /mnt

mount /dev/xyz /mnt

ls -al /mnt/usr/bin/sudo
to verify that you are indeed “above target”
it should list the file and permissions just as before in this thread

If that is the case, proceed:
chmod u+s /mnt/usr/bin/sudo

verify once again - the output should now show an “s” where there was an “x” before
ls -al /mnt/usr/bin/sudo

if that is so, you are done

umount /mnt


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I don’t understand this part [quote=“Nachlese, post:31, topic:131972”]
mount the partition your root filesystem is on (the name you noted)
to /mnt

mount /dev/xyz /mnt

i am already root, and i put “lsblk -f” so i get
squash 4.0 0 100% /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs
vfat FAT32 something
ext4 1.0 somthing
swap 1 somthing
vfat FAT32 RESCUE804

as root:

fdisk -l

maybe that output is more clear to you

/dev/xyz stands for whatever the name of your device is - I can’t know that, but you can see …

It is likely that this is /dev/sda3
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt

… format your output - it’s hard to read like that

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    (Wisdom lies in reading :wink: )

with “fdisk -l” i get 3 devices and its type “file swap”, “linux filesystem” and “efi system”. so i guess is the /dev/xxx with the filesystem type

the one with linux filesystem

not “swap”, obviously - and not “efi system” either

so it should be:
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
when /dev/sda2 is the linux filesystem

I managed to return the root permissions. Thanks

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