Trouble with updating the system (clang version 17 required)

I found this post about the warning, but i don’t understand what should i do with it.

 sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: nano-syntax-highlighting: local (2020.10.10+10+g1aa64a8-2) is newer than extra (2020.10.10-2)
 there is nothing to do

The bigger problem I face is with AUR and yay:

yay -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Searching AUR for updates...
 -> No AUR package found for clang=17.0.6
:: Searching databases for updates...
 -> nano-syntax-highlighting: local (2020.10.10+10+g1aa64a8-2) is newer than extra (2020.10.10-2)
 -> Packages not in AUR: ipw2100-fw  ipw2200-fw  manjaro-firmware  manjaro-hotfixes  nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono-160  systemd-fsck-silent
 -> Orphan (unmaintained) AUR Packages: interception-caps2esc-4modifiers-git
 -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages: auto-cpufreq  gconf  i3ipc-glib-git  pyside2  python-rofi-git  python-shiboken2
 -> spectre-meltdown-checker: local (0.46+23+g0f2edb1-1) is newer than AUR (0.46-1)
:: 29 dependencies will also be installed for this operation.
    extra/cbindgen              -> 0.27.0-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/cmake                 -> 3.30.2-1
    (make dependency of lld17, wasi-compiler-rt17, ...)
    extra/dump_syms             -> 2.3.3-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/imake                 -> 1.0.10-2
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/mercurial             -> 6.8.1-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/meson                 -> 1.5.1-1
    (make dependency of xwayland-run)
    extra/mold                  -> 2.33.0-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/nasm                  -> 2.16.03-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/ninja                 -> 1.12.1-1
    (make dependency of llvm17-libs, clang17, ...)
    extra/python-build          -> 1.2.1-3
    (make dependency of llvm17, llvm17-libs, ...)
    extra/python-installer      -> 0.7.0-8
    (make dependency of python-undervolt)
    extra/python-recommonmark   -> 0.7.1-7
    (make dependency of clang17)
    extra/python-sphinx         -> 8.0.2-1
    (make dependency of lld17)
    extra/qt5-quickcontrols2    -> 5.15.14+kde+r5-1
    (make dependency of pyside2, python-shiboken2)
    extra/rustup                -> 1.27.1-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/wasi-libc             -> 1:0+392+b9ef79d7-1
    (make dependency of midori, wasi-compiler-rt17)
    extra/wasi-libc++           -> 18.1.8-4
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/wasi-libc++abi        -> 18.1.8-4
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/xorg-server-xvfb      -> 21.1.13-1
    (make dependency of github-desktop)
    extra/xorg-xwayland         -> 24.1.2-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    extra/yarn                  -> 1.22.22-2
    (make dependency of github-desktop)
    extra/yasm                  -> 1.3.0-7
    (make dependency of midori)
    aur/clang17                 -> 17.0.6-2
    (make dependency of midori, wasi-compiler-rt17)
    aur/compiler-rt17           -> 17.0.6-1
    aur/lld17                   -> 17.0.6-1
    (make dependency of midori, wasi-compiler-rt17)
    aur/llvm17                  -> 17.0.6-1
    (make dependency of lld17, clang17, ...)
    aur/llvm17-libs             -> 17.0.6-1
    aur/wasi-compiler-rt17      -> 17.0.6-1
    (make dependency of midori)
    aur/xwayland-run            -> 0.0.3-2
    (make dependency of midori)

:: 15 packages to upgrade/install.
15  aur/betterlockscreen         4.2.0-1         -> 4.4.0-1
14  aur/github-desktop           3.3.8-1         -> 3.4.3-1
13  aur/i3lock-color             2.13.c.5-1      -> 2.13.c.5-3
12  aur/jellyfin-media-player    1.9.1-2         -> 1.11.1-2
11  aur/linux-wifi-hotspot       4.7.1-1         -> 4.7.2-1
10  aur/midori                   9.0-6           -> 11.3.4-1
 9  aur/morgen-bin               3.3.1-1         -> 3.5.6-1
 8  aur/powerstat                0.04.02-1       -> 0.04.03-1
 7  aur/pyside2                  5.15.12-1       -> 5.15.13-2
 6  aur/python-shiboken2         5.15.12-1       -> 5.15.13-2
 5  aur/python-spotipy           2.23.0-1        -> 2.24.0-1
 4  aur/python-undervolt         0.4.0-1         -> 0.4.0-2
 3  aur/simplenote-electron-bin  2.21.0-1        -> 2.22.1-1
 2  aur/spotify                  1: -> 1:
 1  aur/visual-studio-code-bin   1.87.2-1        -> 1.93.0-1
==> Packages to exclude: (eg: "1 2 3", "1-3", "^4" or repo name)
 -> Excluding packages may cause partial upgrades and break systems
 -> could not find all required packages: clang =17.0.6

clang -v output:

clang -v
clang version 18.1.8
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/14.2.1
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/14.2.1
Selected GCC installation: /usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/14.2.1
Candidate multilib: .;@m64
Candidate multilib: 32;@m32
Selected multilib: .;@m64

I dont even know what are those python packages. I did not install them (or at least i do not remember since i dont use python) and i dont know if those are dependencies.

EDIT: The reason i found this out is because i wanted to update VScode cause of a poor performance and popup window.

Which of your many AUR packages requires/wants this?
Perhaps none of them, perhaps it was explicitly installed by you?

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I probably installed clang cause of C and C++


[i3hunor@HunorT480 openmetromaps]$ pacman -Qi clang | grep "Required By"
Required By     : ccls

That wasn’t the real question.
You already have the repo version of clang - but something AUR want’s a different version.

There is also quite a lot of stuff that isn’t availabe anymore from AUR, but from normal repo instead, as well as orphans.

Sorry. I did not quite get that.

You say, that i should remove these AUR packages and install them via pacman?
I tought yay does the “optimal” for every install. So it know when to use AUR and when to use normal repo.

I’ll not say that you should, but I’d prefer the normal repo over the AUR - it’s just easier and also how it is supposed to work.

It doesn’t look like it. :man_shrugging:
What is the meaning of the word “optimal” in your mind vs the (non existent) mind of yay?

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If something get’s in the way of a proper sync using pacman - then the correct action is to remove them.

The only application which is optimal is pacman (sorry pamac - you are not always the best company)

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@linux-aarhus Thank you for the info.

I tought that yay prefers normal repo over aur since compiling is a big hassle.

I tried, but:

sudo pacman -S auto-cpufreq  gconf  i3ipc-glib-git  pyside2  python-rofi-git  python-shiboken2
error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)
error: could not lock database: File exists
  if you're sure a package manager is not already
  running, you can remove /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

Okay, so i could replace vscode AUR with the normal repo version. But how can i find every packages “normal repo name”?

Easy - the following will list the applicatons you have installed using AUR

pacman -Qqm

But it is not vscode that is your problem - I suggest you start with what is giving you problems - then retry and work yourself through it.

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If that was a real question, the answer is already right there. :man_shrugging:


Pamac may not always be the best company, but the gui is at least beginner friendly. In the installed tab it has filters for “foreign” and “orphans” so that the new user is at least hinted for the idea that something might not be needed anymore. And aur is not enabled by default.

Yay prefers aur packages then the repo versions more often than not. Or it will at least suggest the newer aur versions to the ignorant user. So using it for full sync with Syu is a good way to end up with aur packages.
A good example of such mess is the clang “problem” - ccls from the repos will be perfectly fine with its dependency clang 18 from the repo, but voluntary or not you chose the aur versions.

The OP has:

  • a system that was not updated for some months
  • a lot of orphans
  • a lot of aur packages, which are unsupported
  • never ever dealt with his .pacnew files

My suggestion will be to get rid of all the aur stuff and orphans, and then, if needed, reinstall what you really really miss. Probably only midori and visual studio.


More than a year after the fact, and I still reach for the :facepalm: emoji whenever I see this.