Transfering entire config or user "profile" to another install without cloding /home?

I’ll continue the title that I was going to make absurdly long here:
in order to create a fresh user account with plasma panels, keyboard shortcuts, window manager settings, appearance settings (ideally with settings changed within the chosen theme), desktop settings, menu modifications, plugins downloaded via the settings app, etc… like all that stuff.

Looking for suggestions of the best way to go about doing this.

I have, in my home directory, .kde/ and .kde4/, and it looks like most kde app configs are stored in .config/ mixed in with a bunch of gtk config, akonadi (definitely do not want to touch that, don’t need that kind of drama in my life). The idea I have at this point is to copy over .kde and .kde4 as well as .config/, but I would go through and remove some things manually that would be just fine as installed on the new system.

What else would need to be copied over? Anyone (successfully, hopefully) attempted this and have experience to share?

Both machines are Manjaro installs, one from the latest iso and one that’s been rolling along for at least 3 or 4 years that’s been very much “made homey”

Have you tried this? :arrow_down:

All you would then need to do is copy the archive to the other installation, install the widget there too, and load the configuration.

There was also transfuse … but I probably need to look at the directories/rsync again…

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I can check this out at work tomorrow.

I like this option best so far, since I can read the script and see exactly what it’s going to do. If you get a chance to give it a once over and give me the a-ok-should-work-go-ahead, I’ll probably use this utility. Again, once I’m at work tomorrow and can report back.


code-rush? ok maybe :sweat_smile:

There is another script - more general approach - to transfer a list of packages and select configuration.

Hi @spacecase-25 ,

Maybe, I could suggest you to create a personal folder in the root directory and then execute the following terminal command:

cp -Rf /personal/* ~

with the ./kde .kde4/ and .config instead of ~.

In this way you can copy your personal configuration to other users.

Hope this help,


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