[Testing Update] 2020-11-26 - Kernels, Browsers, Maui-Apps, Pamac 10.0-Beta, Gnome, Mesa, Qt

Not sure since when, but Audacious can not add Folders anymore, nothing happens when you browse to the desired folder and try to add it (from within audacious, click FILE+ then click ADD FOLDER, then browse, then try to validate it does nothing). Adding single file works though.

Don’t see relevant error in terminal, only thing I see is kf.kio.core: "Could not enter folder tags:/." but I think it is just a harmless log output.

I noticed the Sound peripherals icons are very tiny

Thanks oldrocker99. I followed your directions and got past the key import failure. Now I’m growing a beard while the build completes!

now that you mention it, i can confirm

Thats a theme issue,if you switch to breeze for example,the icon will be displayed normal, I have arc dark and have the same issue but i don’t mind it.

Wow, didn’t even notice it until now :sweat_smile:

I’m using the official Dark theme