[Testing Update] 2020-08-23 - Kernels, LibreOffice 7.0, KDE-git, Mate 1.24.1, GCC 10, Python, Haskell

would love to know more info on this, couldnt find much info on SKIA on forum


You can enable skia vulkan or raster rendering from the advanced settings page of libreoffice.

Just open that page and search for skia keyword and enable skia from those settings. if your gpu supports vulkan just enable force skia and enable skia. Otherwise you need to force skia raster option as well.


Finally today getting all of update packages, also getting new LO Fresh 7.0 without any trouble on upgrade.

I had to revert back to kernel 5.7 to have VirtualBox working…

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if anyone is experiencing the same issue and not following my thread - it seems to be related to apparmor - sudo aa-complain /usr/bin/akonadiserver fixes it. :slight_smile:

I had to do the same, 5.7 works as expected.

I also experienced an issue with pusleaudio with the new 5.8 where pulseaudio was crashing… I haven’t been able to look to much into it as I reverted back to 5.7 for virtualbox for my workflow. Will look for a new 5.8 update that supports Virtualbox to see if I still have the issues with pulseaudio.

thanks man, this worked for me!