System won't start after Manjaro update

did but doesn’t help

were there any errors when you reinstalled it? because looking at the above pic, it looks like you are not connected to internet…

and whats the output from the find xauthority command? it looks strange …

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this is the proper command:

and you are not connected to internet…
you can try connect to wifi with:

if it doenst work, boot into manjaro live usb, connect to internet, chroot:
manjaro-chroot -a
and rerun update:

pacman-mirrors -f 5 && pacman -Syyu

and post output from it

looks ok, now reinstall again this:
pacman -S kconfigwidgets
and post output from it

and also post output from:
mhwd-kernel -li
find $HOME/ -name ".Xauthority"

in liveCD?

From the chroot environment, I imagine.

of course from live usb, from chroot, because the libKF5ConfigWidgets is part of the kconfigwidgets package


find /home/ -name ".Xauthority"

you have some issues there: exist in filesystem and desc … so first lets fix the exist in filesystem:

pacman -S kconfigwidgets --overwrite'*'

Rather, do:

pamac reinstall kconfigwidgets --overwrite='/usr/*'

error: invalid option --overwrite

Well, I copied it straight from the man page:

pamac reinstall <package(s),group(s)>

--overwrite <glob>
overwrite conflicting files, multiple patterns can be specified by separating them with a comma

So I hope it’s good now.

you have there a typo, its pamac not pacman, so rerun it again and see if it works: