Hello, I just installed a fresh Manjaro minimal installation. Should be the most recent installer unless something got changed within the last week.
I am using KDE Plasma and Wayland and if I set a startup-screen I get a little graphical distortion using both “Breath” variants:
Sometimes it looks a bit differently, but I always get some kind of graphical glitch instead of a spinning gear, like there is in the “Breeze” startup screen:
I first thought it might be a Hardware issue, but since I can screenshot the glitch I doubt that, since all issues that indicated there might be one are gone since I switched from Fedora to Manjaro.
Maybe this issue is related i.e. it might have something to do with the Kernel but I haven’t tested yet.
I tested if the issue persists on a second freshly installed user account when switching to X11 and it disappeared in fact, however after deleting that new test user I switched to X11 and back with my main user account but the glitch persists.
Potencially relevant information:
Operating System: Manjaro Linux
Branch: Stable
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.1.0
Qt Version: 6.7.0
Kernel Version: 6.9.0-1-MANJARO (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT
Please tell me if I can provide any logs etc or if is indeed a know issue and/or has already been reported upstream.