[Stable Update] 2024-10-01 - Kernels, Plasma 6.1.5, KDE Gear 24.08.1, LibreOffice, Virtualbox 7.1

Okay, then open a New Topic, describe your problem with as much details as possible and post your system info’s there.


Not sure I’m liking the odds of the results of the update per reports in the thread. Looks like folks are running into issues. I’ll wait another week and check if the update process is running smoother for people and then decide to update.

Not a bad idea, as long as you do check for new and updated posts in this thread first, before you actually apply the updates (particularly the second one in the thread).

Just don’t leave it for too long, like some people have (e.g. several months, sometimes more — and then run into issues); also don’t postpone system maintenance e.g. managing .pacnew files after doing updates.


These are the tips I put into practice that have helped me not have any issues with updates in almost 2 years:

  • I wait between one and two weeks before running the update and I try to check the update thread daily to stay up to date with known bugs and possible solutions. I also pay close attention to the survey results before making the decision to update.
  • Synchronize the mirrors before updating: sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 30
  • I always run the update via console, never via gui. (I love yay): yay -Syyu
  • After updating I confirm if .pacnew files were generated: sudo pacdiff -s
  • If there are .pacnew files I use meld to identify and apply the differences between the original and the .pacnew files: pkexec meld
  • If there were any changes in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf derived from the review of the .pacnew files I run: sudo mkinitcpio -Pv
  • Update grub: sudo update-grub
  • Reboot.

I’m not saying that these tips are infallible, but they have helped me for a long time.


At the risk of going off topic, what is the effective difference between
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
sudo update-grub

Both recreate /boot/grub/grub.cfg

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None. update-grub is an alias from the debian world, so that people does not have to remember the full command.



cat /usr/bin/update-grub

and see for yourself


This update breaks for me the speaker volume control on Plasma, so there is no meaningful volume difference between 10-100%:

One annoying problem (which I’m sure will cause me to accidentally shut down when I want to log out) is that ksmserver-logout-greeter now has “shut down” as the default option, rather than “logout” as before.

A web search seems to find little other than reports of it crashing.

My Keychron keyboard and numpad (separate devices) stopped working when in wired mode, plugged to the USB 3 (the red ones) on my motherboard. Unplugging and replugging them did not help. Another reboot after the one after the update didn’t help.
Then I tried plugging a wired mouse to one of those ports, and it worked, so I plugged my keyboards back in and now they work fine. That was on kernel 6.6.52-1

i found, that the saved session is stored in ~/.config/ksmserverrc
can i just delete this file?

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In my 4 year’s i saw a few times a release update that followed up after another release update (seven days later). Where i regretted in the past that i waited a little bid to long.

I wished that @philm or @Yochanan would make a 24 or 48 hour’s countdown in Testing Release>Stable Release. Where we could see, there is a update coming soon.

I think 5 days delay (instead your suggested 1-2 weeks) should be already a good sweet spot and the wiki from today:

Showed already a good amount of information (fixe’s/workaround’s).

I mean its not like this problems that required manual intervention, magical vanished if you wait longer. :mage:

But when i see a problematic update without a available workaround.

Well this is another story, then its Timeshift system rollback time… to evade this problem’s, as long as possible.

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Minor annoyance after the upgrade to Plasma 6.1:
I have a secondary monitor in protrait mode (1080x1920). Both wallpaper and widgets didn’t get the memo and are confined to the top 1080 pixels of the monitor. (it worked fine before the update)
The (portrait) wallpaper is cut off there as well and seemingly extends outside the monitor to the right where I can’t see it.
In “edit mode” I could move widgets around in a 16:9 space instead of the 9:16 that it should be. The edit mode thingy gets centered on the monitor, but also cut off after 1080 pixels so the bottom part is not visible. I managed to move a widget there that is now inaccessible in edit mode.

I assume you use Plasma …

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Manjaro does not use Arch metapackages linux-lts and linux-latest

Manjaro Kernels - Manjaro Wiki

This update broke steam for me. Videos don’t play in store, TF2 crashes to desktop on launch, and steam no longer launches with native runtime. Running KDE Plasma on Wayland.

I’m experiencing the Plasma logout/reboot/shutdown problem as in

Strangely I’m logged in here but the link above ask to login to reply and my credential are not accepted.

BTW I’m using a fresh install on a machine with AMD CPU and GPU

I also see the issue is marked Solved; but I cannot find the solution

Perhap you’re looking in the wrong place for a solution.

Instead, take a look here KDE Plasma hangs on Shutdown, Restart and Logout in this very same thread, and the official solution will reveal itself.


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How do I get to system settings? The screen is always black.

EDIT I was able to access the shut down option upon restart by clicking Switch User. I rebooted and it worked fine.

Why not giving it a try. Rename it into ksmserverrc.bak and you can rename it back if need be.