[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman

Manjaro KDE - Pre-update

  • Removed any custom widgets or themes. Checked ~/.config/*.* for any remnants that might interfere.
  • Switched to a default Global theme (Breeze).
  • Double-checked this announcement thread for possible issues that might affect me specifically.

Manjaro KDE - Update

First impressions

  • I’m not liking the new taskbar at all.
    The setting to change that to the previous non-floating taskbar can be found via the Edit Mode dialog. :eyes:
  • Settings items are reorganised; time to retrain the brain.
    β€œEngineers… they love to change things!”
    – Leonard H. β€œBones” McCoy (Star Trek franchise)

Next steps

  • Perform updates on actual hardware rather than VM installs.
