[Stable Update] 2023-08-11 - Kernels, Plasma, Nvidia, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pamac, Pipewire, Mesa

For some reason, even with my cache cleared (pacman -Sc), pacman doesn’t know that linux64 is at 6.4.9 and tries to install 6.4.6 which no longer exists. I’m using the official mirror. Any suggestions on how to force it to update?

Considering this was posted only a few hours ago … your mirror may not be in sync.

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syu

That’s the weird thing. I already got all the other updates, and tried force refreshing, but linux64 is still stuck. I’m also using the global mirror (https://mirrors.manjaro.org/repo/stable)

I will second the “its more responsive” statement on KDE. No idea why, but i def. take it.

Sad that the power state change bug in the NVidia drivers was not fixed, but thats out of Manjaro’s control.

So far smooth sailing through multiple reboots and on multiple PCs. Thank you!

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A post was split to a new topic: OBS Studio uses the mono virtual device to record my mic instead of my actual desktop audio

A post was split to a new topic: Libvirt services have some warnings

Good day.
I began the upgrade and I have some problems:

Aviso: instalandoperl (5.38.0-1) rompe la dependencia ‘perl=5.36.1’ requerida por polymake
Agregar polymake para remover
Fallo al preparar la transacción:
no se pudo satisfacer las dependencias:

  • removiendo polymake rompe la dependencia ‘polymake’ requerida por python-jupymake

Something about perl 5.38.0-1 breaks perl=5.36.1 requiered by polymake.
then polymake is marked for remove:
failed, polymake is require by python-jupymake

Thank you in advanced for any help you can give me.

It seems you’re in an unsupported partial upgrade state due to out of date mirrors. See Pacman-mirrors - Manjaro

It looks like polymake and python-jupymake have been removed from both the Manjaro and Arch repositories.

As best I can tell, polymake was required by only python-jupymake, which was only an optional requirement for sagemath. Check which of your system’s packages require these two. You may be able to simply remove them both.

Thank you. I will check the pacman-mirrors.

Thank you for answer. I will check this packages in sagemath 10.

can’t open pamac after update

pamac-manager: symbol lookup error: pamac-manager: undefined symbol: pamac_database_enable_appstream

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I just updated to 5.10.189 and am seeing constant high iowait (~12.3% according to iostat, translating to a single core 100% on my system). using iotop I can’t identify a particular process that would be causing it… anyone else experiencing this?

It’s a cosmetic bug in the kernel, weird that 5.10 did not get fix backported since it got the breaking change backported?

It is not really using 100% it just looks like it. You can ignore it or preferably try updating to a more recent kernel, 5.10 is OLD.

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thanks for the insight.
I did just try 5.15 and it’s the same… I can’t upg to 6.x yet due to some DKMS dependencies that won’t compile with 6.x yet.

EDIT: I just updated another machine that’s also on 5.10 and there’s no “cosmetic bug”… seems something else is the issue?

I’ve been using perl-finance-quote with GnuCash. As of version 5.0, some dependencies were moved to AUR, but not explicitly added as AUR dependencies of the package. My workaround was

yay -S base-devel perl-readonly
yay -S perl-web-scraper perl-spreadsheet-xlsx perl-html-tokeparser-simple

perl-spreadsheet-xlsx may require a second try for success.

As of this update, I received a warning about these and some other perl modules used by perl-finance-quote. This needed to be rebuilt similarly to the python3.11 update instructions above.

yay -Syu rebuild-detector
pamac build $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/perl5/5.36)

Back to normal (normal since 5.0 unfortunately no longer includes Yahoo-JSON, so only 5 quotes per minute).

I get the following Error.

Warning: manjaro-hello: local (0.7.0-6) is newer than extra (0.7.0-5)
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Warning: could not fully load metadata for package vtk-9.2.6-7
Error: Failed to prepare transaction: invalid or corrupted package

I uninstalled vtk, and the Upgrade went fine. I’m still not sure if I actually need it.

It only exist if you use use akonadi+mariadb
If you dont you wont notice the ‘issue’.

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My system wouldn’t boot after the update, but installing kernel65 and switching to that one fixed it for me.

2 things:

  1. Had to set locale.gen new (helped by:)
    [root tip] [How To] Troubleshooting locale errors
  2. timeshift gui won’t start (ask for password and then nothing)
    via terminal wtih “sudo timeshift-gtk” its works. But no start from plasma. But this issue was already before this update! I found this solution:
    [Solved] timeshift gui on KDE Plasma - Debian User Forums
    But “pkexec” is stange for me …