[Stable Update] 2023-07-17 - Kernels, Pipewire, KDE Frameworks, Systemd, Firefox, Wine

SDDM and Plasma are still running on tty2 instead of tty1. Other than that, no issues at my end so far.

I’m not getting the update when I use “pacman -Syyu”.

Not all mirrors are synced yet.

I installed both updates (2023-07-10 and 07-17) today without any issue.
Everything went smooth, just a little correction for the icon path in Firetools (/usr/share/app-info/icons/archlinux-arch-extra/).
That whole issue (pacman.conf/pacnew) didn’t came up at all, nothing to merge or override and the theme for the Pamac GUI was fixed in the meanwhile as well.
Surprisingly Flowblade is working now after a whole year, but the sounds turns into a ‘brrrrrrr’ when the video preview is stopped!
I haven’t check every single corner, but so far everything works well.
Thank’s to the team :green_heart:
Long live Manjaro

Please do not use -Syyu unless it is required.
99% of the time -Syu is sufficient.
(doing the double y is more taxing on the mirrors - if everyone does it the servers get hammered)


2 posts were split to a new topic: Ignoring BGRT: unexpected or invalid BMP data

I have a Lenoxo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Intel integrated graphics) and I’m getting black screen after bootloader with 6.4.3, but 6.3.13 worked. This is what journald reveals:

systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@32-1943-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
kernel: activeDisplay[1949]: segfault at 1f4f0 ip 000000000001f4f0 sp 00000000ffe7242c error 14 in activeDisplay[8048000+d5000] likely on CPU 6 (core 2, socket 0)
kernel: Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0x1f4c6.
systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 1951/UID 0).
systemd-coredump[1954]: [🡕] Process 1949 (activeDisplay) of user 0 dumped core.
             Stack trace of thread 1949:
             #0  0x000000000001f4f0 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
             ELF object binary architecture: Intel 80386

…some hundred times, I might add :smile:

Edit: Apparently all it took was a cold reboot - now it seems to work Just Fine™

I have skipped the previous update due to many reported problems. Is there something special I need to do for this update or is my regular sudo pacman -Syyuuw (and afterwards sudo pacman -Su) enough?

It’s probably best to follow @Mirdarthos ’ link to the arch wiki, to get a proper understanding of the fundamental process. However, vimdiff can be very unwieldy to the unexperienced. You might try a different merge tool:

sudo pacman -S meld
DIFFPROG=meld MERGEPROG=meld pacdiff -s

Hm was the pamac-gtk theme fixed for Plasma as well?
Did the last 3 updates in one go, afterwards pacdiff -s.
I had removed Thermal Monitor Fix - KDE Store which I thought had too much effect on CPU consumption.
All but pamac-gtk seem to be nice (I did sudo pacman -S pamac-gtk3 because the theme was not the system’s), thank you very much, also for the Nemo update.



Are you on Wayland or X11? I’ve been on Wayland for a while and IIRC, this has been the case for quite some time and is not a recent regression.
Btw, SDDM runs on tty1 on my machine, kwin_wayland uses tty2.

When I read this, I understand I need to make changes to /etc/pacman.conf. The update process, however, has not created a /etc/pacman.conf.pacnew file. Can anyone tell me what needs to be changed in /etc/pacman.conf to remove the “community” repository? I only see references to [core], [extra] and [multilib] in my pacman.conf, so I am at a loss what I need to change.

Forgot to mention, yes I’m on KDE Plasma.

Well, nothing then.

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I noticed there is a stable version dated 7/17, but a pacman -Syu does not find any updates. I have two VM’s running the Gnome and Plasma desktops and neither have found any updates in about two weeks.


returns ok on the first line? By now all the mirrors should be synced. If not you can change them

pacman-mirrors -f 5

I’m running Plasma on X11. Normally in Arch and Manjaro, this puts both SDDM and Plasma at tty1.

On KDE Plasma HiDPI Wayland this update results in having no highlighting bar when moving the mouse in the Application Launcher aka the Main Menu. In e.g. System Settings or Firefox the menu items are highlighted but in the Launcher not.
Otherwise the menu seems fully functional.

I was able to resolve this by updating the mirrors.