[Stable Update] 2023-06-04 - Kernels, Gnome 44.1, Plasma 5.27.5, Python 3.11, Toolchain, Firefox

No, I have gdm set as explicitly installed. Set gdm to be explicitly installed so you will not have to deal with this again. Pamac (gui) has an option to set it to explicitly installed or pamac install --as-explicit gdm

That’s probably my fault, because I was fiddling with GDM before the update and I may have done a wrong move. FYI the only thing that I remember modifying is the following (yes I saved what I did in a script):

# configure GDM using current user desktop settings
function configure-gdm {
	# copy monitor config (e.g. scaling)
	sudo cp "${HOME}/.config/monitors.xml" /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml
	# relaunch the command after boot so the modifications survive system updates
	sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/gdm.service.d/
	echo "[Service]
ExecStartPre=/bin/cp ${HOME}/.config/monitors.xml /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml" \
	| sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/gdm.service.d/override.conf > /dev/null

	# enable fractional scaling
	sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

	# set mouse speed
	SPEED="$(dbus-launch gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse speed)"
	sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse speed "$SPEED"

	# set touchpad speed
	SPEED="$(dbus-launch gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad speed)"
	sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad speed "$SPEED"
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Thank you to whoever pressed the button to push Lutris 0.5.13 !

Lutris works great now with VKD3D 2.9 and all the dx12 games i tested work as expected.

Thank you :+1:


I don’t think so, pamac lists:

Required By           : --
Optional For          : --
Provides              : --
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : --

So unless it is set as explicit it is an orphan. The commands in the script do not change anything about the way the package manager handles GDM. (I’ve just spun up a VM with a clean install and this has GDM as explicitly installed so I guess at a point in the past it was not required to be explicitly installed)

Yes those commands does not change anything, but since I’m the only one having this issue, it was probably a wrong move that I didn’t remember making that created this problem. The fact that I fiddled with GDM just before the update is probably not a coincidence.

A post was split to a new topic: Firefox does not give me a window when launched

Is there any higher purpose to your comment, or are you just trying to let the people know how clever you are at sarcasm?

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Yeah … the point was that the user had somehow not interacted with or reported the results of the solution already posted, quoted in their response, and asked by both myself and phil.
If you missed that … maybe I should quote it again for you :wink:

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This is a support thread, so here ought to be fine. cscs is just making snide noise.

No … actually its not.

and anyways … points were cited and answered already. Therefor quotes. :person_shrugging:

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Actually it’s you making noise… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
cscs is helping more than you. I don’t understand your comments.


Let’s roll this back. I wrote here, along with many others, that I was affected by an issue, and mentioned what fixed it and thanked the devs for their time.

Look at the reception I’ve been given by you since. I hope you and cscs are not typical of members here, if so, have at it, guys. I’m happy to leave obnoxious people to their own society.

@cscs Stop making snide noises, they’re disturbing the poplulace! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks. I’m on 5.15 kernel. I used Timeshift to restore my system this morning because I use it for work every day. I’m doing a live stream tonight so I’ll try the updates again tomorrow night.

Brave Nightly (or beta) breaks after this update. Launching it from the terminal



helps but does not fix it completely.

For me, the update itself went smoothly, but afterwards, there were some problems. Specifically, both of the programs I had on here involving navigable 3D virtual worlds either did not launch at all (eg, Toontown Rewritten), or launched but had no sound (eg, Phoenix Firestorm Second Life Viewer, which wrongly informed me “this computer has no sound driver”). Just doing a “reinstall on top” didn’t work. What did work was: Uninstall broken program; restart computer; reinstall program; restart computer. After that, both broken programs worked fine again.

So it’s probably best to wait a few days before applying any big update.
Sometimes I wait a week or more.
Not enough people run the testing branch,
so there’s always breakage soon after a big stable update.

As you can see, Phil and the team quickly push fixes into Stable,
so after a few days it’s pretty safe.
For this to happen, they need a lot of people to run the stable update promptly,
so I’m suggesting that the people who should wait a while are only
those who depend on their Manjaro box for some serious purpose.


Since the upgrade to 2023-06-04 with gnome/xorg/nvidia, I’m not able to launch games via steam-native nor steam-runtime. Steam gets stuck in the “Launching game xyz” modal. But the game itself never comes up. Any suggestions/recommendations how to tackle this issue?

try to start the steam launcher from a terminal to see if it gives you some output into the terminal window. Then you may find the reason it may not work maybe faster. For steam it is either steam or steam-runtime.

Applying the workaround for “slow firefox startup fixed” my Evolution problem, too. :slight_smile:

/cc @Hanzel