[Stable Update] 2023-05-07 - Kernels, KDE Gear 23.04.0, KDE Frameworks 5.105.0, Qt5, Firefox, Thunderbird

5 posts were split to a new topic: NVIDIA high refresh issues

Had the same issue with cryptsetup version 2.6.1-3.2. I can confirm downgrading to 2.6.1-1 solves the problem and unlocking works again!

I pushed some kernels.


2 posts were split to a new topic: The USB-C ports on my Dell monitor arenā€™t working anymore

I guess that they solved the ā€œzfsā€ issueā€¦

What zfs issue?

This one: " There was an issue with zfs-utils 2.1.11-1 package having the initcipio files wrongly installed. Please update to zfs-utils 2.1.11-1.1 and re-run mkinitcpio -P" , from the known issues and solution at the top of the threadā€¦

anyone having this issue could not find all required packages: dav1d >=1.2.0.
I cant upgrade, how should i fix this?


Probably AUR? dav1d 1.2 is available in unstable/testing branch. Switch or wait.

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do you know what blocks that update? that has been a really long time now.

6.3 support was added to the master branch. Weā€™ll have to see how bad it will be to backport to the 2.1.x releases

ā€“ Beginning support for Linux 6.3 Ā· Issue #14622 Ā· openzfs/zfs Ā· GitHub

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Please keep ā€œStableā€ branch on gnome 43.x to give us the option of not forcibly upgrading to 44 for now.

Me thinks it belongs still in testing/unstable

yesterday Iā€™ve updated the system and I canā€™t login anymore:
SDDM changed theme, it asks me for user password but it just shows everytime same page, user name asking password.
Iā€™m looking for help to trying to understand wht went wrong and how to recover my system.
Thank you

You may check /var/log/pacman.log to see what updated on your system @doro.

I pushed some more kernels ā€¦

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