Fair enough about announcements not being the place.
However imo “feel” is a reasonable term for this purpose; I could list a dozen possible reasons for it feeling off and potential descriptions of what technical reason may be making it feel off to me, but I don’t know what the actual reason is. I also know from experience that it’s very hard to guess the actual reason without testing and isolating variables (and then I need some one else to help me do valid blind tests).
The purpose of mentioning it was just if some one else was having a similarly subjective feeling that something is not quite right, then they might want to try updating manjaro fully and then trying the AUR 525 driver to see if that changes anything for them.
TBH, for all I know, OW2 is now running technically worse, but feels subjectively better to me.
In some cases I don’t think anyone really knows what terms to use except “feel”, e.g. 4khz and 8khz modes on mice feel clearly different (to some); many of us can pass blind A/B tests on this difference consistently but we don’t have a better word for it other than it feels different, and it’s a subjective feeling; one guy I know actually consistently prefers the 4khz feel when blind testing. None of us have the knowhow, time, and equipment to figure out for sure what the cause of this difference in “feel” is.
Though I understand the dislike of such terms; I can’t stand feel and “luscious highs” and other audiophile nonsense creative writing when it comes to audio components; I just want hard data. Just I don’t have the data in this case, just a sample-of-one with a subjective feeling that for whatever reason, everything feels smoother like it used to, as if the frame rate is more consistent, but I don’t know if the frame rate is more consistent, or the lows are better, or whether this is cpu or gpu related, or mouse related or kernel or what. I have no clue.
I could say nothing, or I could say doing x made y feel different and imo better, if you think y doesn’t feel as good as it used to then doing x might be something to try. Not especially useful, but for some one who also subjectively feels something is vaguely off, it might be of some use.