You may need to check in rare cases if the Branch is set properly in /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf
Additional Info
Info about AUR packages
AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcement topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.
We now have Gradience in the Manjaro community repo (also available as a Flatpak) for your theme customization pleasure. There are community presets (currently unavailable) available or you can create your own.
Our in-house Layouts Switcher application by @Chrysostomus has some new features as well as various improvements and fixes:
dbus-x11 was installed out of the box on some flavors of Manjaro as of a year ago, but is no longer needed. If you have it installed, please replace it with dbus using the following:
sudo pacman -Syu dbus
XFCE becomes unusable if libxfce4ui-nocsd is still installed
So far XFCE Classic project hasn’t updated yet to 4.18 series. We pushed 4.17.0 version of the package, but don’t know if that helps in that situation. It is recommended to install the regular libxfce4ui package to avoid issues and comment on this issue: libxfce4ui 4.18.0 released · Issue #15 · Xfce-Classic/libxfce4ui-nocsd · GitHub
The python-cairo package prior to version 1.23.0-2 was missing the compiled python module. This has been fixed in 1.23.0-2, so the upgrade will need to overwrite the untracked pyc file that was created. If you receive this error
python-cairo: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cairo/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc exists in filesystem
Due to the update to openssl 3.0 some things still look for the older LTS version 1.1. You may install openssl-1.1 and maybe lib32-openssl-1.1 packages. However report such issues to us.
Known issues:
some SDDM themes might not work
dkms might not sign modules properly as header files may still depend on 1.1 version of openssl
Mesa 22.2.x renders Calamares black on Gnome Development ISOs
For some yet unknown reason Calamares is rendered black on Gnome when Mesa 22.2.x is used. Current workaround is to install 22.1.x series and relogin to the live-session.
Kernel 6.1-rc# might break backlight control on old/weird laptops, please test
signature from "Manjaro Build Server <build_at_manjaro_dot_org>" is unknown trust
Seems our signing key for our Build Server had the 2022-10-28 as expire date set when generated. This is now fixed for chroot builds and fresh as also current existing installs via manjaro-keyring 20221028-4 Simply update your system to get that package, which got pushed to all our branches.
NVIDIA 520.56.06 - 525.60.11 Color banding and animation issues
I am not seeing the update as being available. Add/remove software says I am up to date, as does sudo pamac upgrade and sudo pacman -Syu. pacman-mirrors -G confirms I am on stable. I have rebooted and there is no change.
Just finished the update before this one, but the topic is closed, so reporting it here:
Update changed my default shell from bash to zsh. So again changing it back. Please remove dependencies of ZSH, make it really adjustable in the settings or something similar, make it adjustable during install. The move to ZSH was highly debatable, but giving no easy way of keeping the old trusted bash is… unnecessary.
I was awake while the issue was ongoing and saw various versions of the mirror package become recommended by pamac-manager and all this on the Friday before the holiday. So, I was reassured when, a day later, the stable patch notes mentioned the issue. Remember that Log4Shell and SolarWinds came out during the holidays.
Hi, all went well…as usual (silly me) I skipped an update…I really should have to stop doing that…
Anyway…firefox did’nt start up. I tried the console (as I usually do in these moments) and got nothing…
After a reboot, I fired up Top and nodiced mandb was running, possibly to set itself up for work.
After mandb was done, Firefox came alive…
Maybe a glitch? Maybe my impatience?
Eh… Melissa
Just a minor issue. During the update I was asked to choose a provider for clap-host and given the choice between qtractor and reaper. No idea what clap-host is or which I should have gone for, so I just took the default (qtractor) and hoped for the best.