[Stable Update] 2022-12-06 - Kernels, Mesa, Plasma, Cinnamon, Nvidia, LibreOffice, Pipewire, Virtualbox

So how do I go about doing this?

After last update the interface start working with visible reduced performance (low fps, jerky windows drawings).
I use XFCE with picom compositor on an old AMD FX-8350 with integrated AMD ATI Radeon 3000., kernel: 6.0.11-1-MANJARO, and video-linux drivers

To those using Microsoft’s ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server®, this update breaks the driver, most likely because of the upgrade to OpenSSL 3.0, as is known for MacOS, described here: Known issues for the ODBC driver on Linux and macOS - ODBC Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Learn

It does not work even after installing openssl-1.1 and lib32-openssl-1.1. It fails with an error SSL Provider [error:0A0C0103:SSL routines::internal error]

I don’t think this is really a Manjaro issue, more of a problem with Microsoft’s driver. Microsoft suggests to symlink the OpenSSL binary to the 1.1 version, which suggest that their driver is still “looking for that”. Just wanted to let the community know.

EDIT: now I am confused, as apparently the driver does support OpenSSL 3.0, as stated here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server-blog/odbc-driver-18-0-for-sql-server-released/ba-p/3169228. So, I don’t know what the issue really is.

If it’s an AUR package, have you tried rebuilding it?

Latest update broke some chrome based applications that I use for work (StorageExplorer and AzureDataStudio).

To make them work, I had to disable GPU Acceleration using --disable-gpu from the cli.

I assume it has something to do with the new Nvidia driver and CEF versions that those apps use. Chrome based browsers work without problem.

Error log example:

(main:813200) <ERRO> UNHANDLED PROMISE REJECTION in main process:
  Error: GPU access not allowed. Reason: GPU process crashed too many times with SwiftShader.
(node:807364) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: GPU access not allowed. Reason: GPU process crashed too many times with SwiftShader.
    at App.gpuProcessCrashHandler (/opt/StorageExplorer/resources/app/out/app/index.js:173:38)
    at App.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at App.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:229:1206)
    at App.emit (node:events:527:28)
(Use `StorageExplorerExe --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:807364) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 9)

A post was split to a new topic: Cyberpunk 2077 native crashed since the Update

It does effect encoding, I cannot use hevc_vaapi to encode a video so I’ve switched to Arch :slight_smile:

You can build your own mesa package, it takes less than 5 min when using a good CPU, done.

If you switched to Arch, but you would build and compile many other AUR source packages (e.g: zfs-utils), their build-processes take longer. But they are already in Manjaro repos, no need to build them.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [ARM Stable Update] 2022-12-11 - PlaMo Gear 22.11, Cinnamon 5.6, LXQT 1.2, OpenSSL 3.0 and Kernels

Following @marlop instructions I get hardware decoding working again in mesa:

git clone https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/extra/mesa.git 
cd mesa
  Add "-D video-codecs=vc1dec,h264dec,h264enc,h265dec,h265enc \" after "-D microsoft-clc=disabled \"
  Save and exit from kate
makepkg -si --skippgpcheck

Thank you marlop

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Finally struck down with plasma woes - all has been good until this update
I’ve survived the whole upgrade sequence 5.24 to 5.25 to 5.26.2 to 5.26.3 without a hitch
Not sure if it’s the upgrade to 5.26.4 or the plasma-frameworks upgrade which cause the problem …

Specific issues

  • plasma crashes when trying to open launcher
  • seg fault when running systemsettings5
  • today plasma crashes on its own and tries to restore every few seconds until I kill it

I’ve been following the plasma stability threads on the forum.
Can’t seem to find any solution except

  • set up a new user
  • downgrade to 5.24.7 LTS

I guess I could just remove the 5.26.4 update and see what happens …

Anyone who still has the strength to talk about this …?

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Ah, and also, no sound …

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Is this Manjaro 22.x or 21.3.7-220816? Came 22.x or new Install ISOs this year? @philm

OpenVPN stopped working - I had to downgrade the packages:

sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/openvpn-2.5.7-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/networkmanager-openvpn-1.10.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

I think it’s a networkmanager-openvpn problem though. I don’t have time to troubleshoot any further. I just thought I’d let you people know :slight_smile:

The shortcut to open my “home” folder (using SUPER+E here) open the folder in Visual Studio Code (AUR), and mess up all my settings inside VS.
The fix was deactivate the shortcut, and make a new custom shortcut, with the command “nautilus”. Using GNOME here, latest update

Same issue here. It helps restarting pulseaudio - but it seems that applications needs to be restarted in order to output any sounds. This is a real hassle when happening in video calls. Are there any real fix for this ?

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And I want to report (in a different post, to not mess the thread) that libx11 is still freezing Firefox tabs.
It’s kind of boring have to downgrade every time that I need to install or update a package.
This package should be downgraded from repo while it don’t get fixed, because the only fix to the 1.8.2 version is installing a AUR package, which don’t have support by Manjaro team.

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I updated yesterday.

Today I suddenly noticed that when I start a Jetbrains product, the Xorg process starts grabbing all my systems memory (22GB) and eventually X crashes.
When I run VSCode, my memory usage remains fine, but the Xorg process consumes a full CPU core at 100%.

Note that I use Manjaro as a guest OS in VirtualBox on Windows. Since the issue seems graphics related I tried the following:

  • Restart, but without 3d acceleration active in VBox
  • Switching from lightdm to ly, to confirm lightdm is not causing the problem
  • Switching from kernel 5.10 to 5.4 (since those are the kernels I have at the moment)

No success with those steps.

Any suggestions what I can do next? Is there something I can revert, as this VM is now close to unusable?

Just noticed the message from @rizuhaso , and saw we both use picom (I use it on i3, but same deal).
I killed picom and all is back to normal, so there might have been an issue introduced there.

There is already an issue open on picom side: A huge performance decrease after v. 10 · Issue #967 · yshui/picom · GitHub
Seems to be introduced in picom 10, which was part of this manjaro update.

Firefox tabs and extension disappeared and address bar is compressed.