[Stable Update] 2022-07-18 - Kernels, Pipewire, Mesa, Xorg, XWayland, Gnome, KDE Gear, Plamo

Known issues and solutions

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:arrow_right: 2022-07-18

wxWidgets 3.2 update may need manual intervention

Packages have been renamed from wxgtk- to wxwidgets-. The GTK2 frontend is no longer provided. If you have wxgtk2 installed, the upgrade will fail with:

In such case, uninstall wxgtk2 first and then proceed with the upgrade.


Wireplumber 0.4.11 may crash for GDM users

Currently there is an issue with 0.4.11 and GDM crashing on boot-up. More in the upstream bugtracker issue: wireplumber segfault: system boot and could see in my dmesg (#305) · Issues · PipeWire / wireplumber · GitLab


Akonadi (KMail / Kontact / KOrganizer...) fails to start
touch ~/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ib_logfile0
akonadictl start
mariadb-upgrade --defaults-file=~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf --socket=/run/user/$(id -u)/akonadi/mysql.socket
Locale file changes

C.UTF8 locale is now included in glibc:

Credits @diabonas for this change. Systemd wants us to include C.UTF8 by default and it seems the locale may be in included by glibc upstream in the future. To fix building and avoid nasty fixing in devtools, we include the locale in the package. See systemd/systemd#23252 (comment) FS#74864 : [systemd] >= 251 breaks devtools' locale

There is a pacsave for /etc/locale.conf as it has been removed from the filesystem package. /etc/locale.conf will automatically be restored if it did not already exist.

There is a pacnew for /etc/locale.gen. Please review it and regenerate your locale if necessary.


Chromium / Google Chrome cannot save files to most folders (GNOME and Xfce)

This is an upstream bug with the package xdg-desktop-portal-gnome

In the meantime, you can try to remove the package xdg-desktop-portal-gnome (if feasible, without any dependency issues or conflicts), or wait for the bug to be fixed upstream.

Without any xdg-desktop-portal-* packages, Chromium and Google Chrome should correctly detect the environment and present either KDialog (KDE) or GTK file picker (GNOME, Xfce) upon saving and downloading files.

An alternative workaround, for now, is to intentionally click on the filename field, and then press Enter to save / download the file.

GNOME 42: theming and COSMIC packages changes, Bluetooth disabled by default
libkipi: Pamac fails to build the package from AUR
  • libkipi is a deprecated dependency for some KDE applications, and has been moved to AUR.
  • When using Pamac graphically, you can disable the update for libkipi, before removing it from your system.
  • When using Pamac from the terminal, you can proceed the update in multiple steps:
pamac upgrade --no-aur
pamac remove libkipi
pamac upgrade --aur
Timeshift: new rsync snapshots do not show
Wine: cannot be built locally


QEMU >= 7.0.0 changes split package setup

2022-05-09 - David Runge

With the update to qemu 7.0.0 the package has been turned into a more fine grained split package utilizing meta packages.

  • The qemu package is now virtually provided by the meta packages qemu-base, qemu-desktop and qemu-full.
  • The functionality of qemu prior to 7.0.0 is replaced by qemu-desktop
  • The functionality of qemu-headless is replaced by qemu-base
  • The functionality of qemu-arch-extra and qemu-headless-arch-extra is replaced by qemu-emulators-full
  • The meta package qemu-full provides all QEMU related packages (excluding qemu-guest-agent)


KeePassXC auto-type does not work

Upgrading KeePassXC from version 2.6.6 to 2.7.0 partially breaks the “auto-type” function. This is fixed upstream in version 2.7.1.

In in the meantime, to have it behave (and work) as it did with version 2.6.6, change the following option:

Tools → Settings → General → Auto-Type → uncheck “Always ask before performing Auto-Type”

Version 2.7.1, which did not make it into this batch of Stable Updates, works correctly, even with the above option enabled.

Desktop Icons (DING) Gnome extention and File Previews stop working due to a crash in sushi.

This has been fixed upstream in sushi version 41.2. To restore functionality you can manually upgrade.

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/s/sushi/sushi-41.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst