GT520 + linux54 5.4.85-1
+ linux54-nvidia-390xx 390.138-2
= absolutely terrible performance:
- Firefox is unbearably slow and is consuming 100% CPU, I can barely type this post
- games are running at slide show speed
- GUI is noticeable slow(ish), too
(glxgears reports 400 fps, though)
So… I have no idea what to do now to fix or revert everything as it was before the update (previous 5.4 + nvidia-390xx). What I tried:
- Removed
and switched no Nouveau just to see if it’s usable these days (it is not - way faster than my current situation, but still, like, 3 times slower than Nvidia before the update) - Switched back to Nvidia drivers (
sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300
) - everything is slow again.
Any advice? I’m in serious trouble now, sorry for begging, but I really, really need an advice