A post was split to a new topic: I can’t login after reboot
Wait, sorry, I may be missing the point.
Before the update:
- /etc/mkinitcpio.conf exists
- no pacs /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.* exist
- encrypt hook is evidently set, as everything with initramfs and booting and encryption works
After the update:
- /etc/mkinitcpio.conf exists
- no pacs /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.* exist
- encrypt hook is missing
Where did I miss the chance here to keep whatever I added or even notice that /etc/mkinitcpio.conf may have changed? There’s no pacnew (and I didn’t remove any) and there were, afaik, no notices about this when running the update.
There was a pacnew from the previous stable update.
I recommend:
# update file “/var/lib/pacman-mirrors/status.json”
pacman-mirrors --no-mirrorlist
# show status for your local mirrorlist
pacman-mirrors --status
# create backup
cp -av /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.YMD
# reorder custom mirror list based on speed
pacman-mirrors --fasttrack
# show status for your local mirrorlist
pacman-mirrors --status
After an update I always run: DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff
The variable GRUB_THEME is commented out in /etc/default/grub.pacnew
I have it set from a previous install to /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
I could not find GRUB_THEME set any place else. The file does exist.
Should it be set or not?
Updated with TTY quick test all apps functioning and seem fine on a desktop-Intel i7 dual screens LTS kernel KDE plasma stable edition , Thanks heaps
It exists if you have grub-theme-manjaro
installed. It’s up to you what GRUB theme you want to use–or none at all.
Select kernel 5.9 while booting from grub menu, its hidden if it doesn’t show while booting, there is a shortcut key to reveal it, I have forgotten just google it.
I know that I can display this with Esc
. But it would be normal if a newly installed higher kernel is active by itself at the next reboot. For me this is again a bug.
KDE Plasma, kernel 5.4.77., smooth update and reboot.
Kernel 5.9.8-2 won’t boot for me. 5.8.18-1 works fine tho.
Hello everybody
After the update, I don’t get the display manager running. After a smooth boot, instead of a loginscreen I get a black screen with a white cursor in the upper left corner.
I tried to fix it, but haven’t found a solution yet.
What I have: Manjaro-Gnome (up to date): Note: After update: gnome-wallpaper was newer then in the repo.
What I tried to do:
-Install another dm (sddm with plasma) and start it. Didn’t work.
- Downgrade gnome-wallpaper
- Boot an older kernel: Can’t even boot, due to the fact that it doesn’t find a HDD, that should be mounted, that I’ve written in /etc/fstab (no problem with the newer kernel in this affair, but maybe I should investigate the further… )
- Switched to testing & unstable for updates. But no update available, that worked, so turned that back
What I should do: unplug my headset, which I added yesterday(USB), but I don’t expect that that solves the problem.
If anybody has an idea, I would be very thankful.
Updated, all good on XFCE with AMD hardware.
On Gnome QT5 app Kate fails to show the save file dialog.
I use
QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Fusion (tried switching to adwaita but that changes nothing)
I can’t seem to find anything online about this.
Anyone has any suggestions?
Also by switching to wayland my .profile does not seem to be loaded anymore? The PATH changes present in .profile are not executed in terminals.
jesus, what happened to Thunderbird GUI
Problem with copy/paste is still here.
Does anyone have some new info about this?
Was there a /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.pacnew for others? @waranty92 @RayonRa
I do not quite understand how this can happen – wouldn’t it imply that the file was not changed from default (which does not have the encrypt hook)? But it had the hook as otherwise the system wouldn’t have been working before, right? I did not manually delete a /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.pacnew file and run pacdiff from time to time – but pacnew files are neither removed automatically by pacman/pamac at any point, are they?
Also, is there a way to configure pamac in a way that upon new kernel install the old kernels/initramfs GRUB entries are retained as a fallback (in case the new kernel or initramfs has a problem, for example, like here due to a missing encrypt hook in mkinitcpio.conf)? To clarify, the entries were of course still present, but it appears the update process not only mkinitcpio’d for the new kernel but also the old ones, which broke those existing entries as well and there was no fallback to boot and fix the system. I was lucky enough to have a bootable usb drive in reach, but on the road…
I’ve had a small issue with jade-application-kit
package before updating, I had to reinstall it. Otherwise, everything is working fine.
I had no /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.pacnew
the only pacnew
file I had during this update was grub related. /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
was overwritten unattended.
CoreCtrl problem fixed after todays update. Thanks.