After the update kamoso doesn’t work anymore. If I run it with sudo it works, but I don’t think is a wise thing to do. I downloaded cheese and it works fine, webcam is working in Brave browser as well and in telegram without any issue. This is the output if I run kamoso from terminal pastebin
This stable update went smoothly but my LibreOffice installation is still on version You wrote it is now on version 7.0.1. Any reason for this?
Version: / Build-ID: 6.4.6-2
CPU-Threads: 4; BS: Linux 5.7; UI-Render: Standard; VCL: gtk3;
Calc: threaded
Welcome to Manjaro.
Libreoffice comes via 2 packages: libreoffice-still
(older more stable) and libreoffice-fresh
The latter one got updated to 7.0.1
A forum search would have found some threads regarding your question - try to use it first next time.
You need to change to libreoffice fresh from libreoffice still to get the latest. Just uninstall still and install fresh
So I did not update on the last stable release because of it trying to install the nvidia drivers when I have AMD graphics. I was hoping the issue with the previous update would be resolved with this update.
What exactly do I need to do after updating, but before restarting so the mesa drivers are not disable for the nvidia drivers and to remove them? Can I just use the Manjaro Settings Manager to remove the nvidia driver?
Nothing to say on my side for now.
you may consider to remove that kernel 'cause it’s EOL
see the announcement
then I guess you are ok
Update went perfectly. (xfce)
Migrated to linux58 as recommended, no issue.
Wouldn’t those drivers happen to be free ones? I think mhwd wants all free drivers installed as fallback, even if not needed.
After installing the updates. Chromium is no longer using GPU acceleration.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot use cuda with cudnn and leela chess zero (lc0)
Everything went well.
Thanks for the updates <3
I have done the update yesterday on two machines, all went fine, thank you.
Now the installations on both machines are over 2 years old, that is stable enough or?
Greetings your long time userin hanny
xfce, smooth update for the most part.
the only problem is broken notifications: there’s no xfce-notifyd stuff in /usr/share/dbus-1/services/.
Starting xfce4-notifyd manually by running /usr/lib/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd is a work-around for now, I guess
All went fine on my main machine via TYY update, GNOME, 5.4 Kernel and NVIDIA 440
Keep up the good work!
Apart from Firefox (80.0.1) crashing two times in ten minutes now, the update went ok.
update-resolve-conf working now:
gee, no links…
even with the today update the sound problem (no sound) continues
I had a problem updating the Nvidia graphics drivers from 440 prime to 450 prime as it couldn’t uninstall 440 due to cuda and nvidia-prime preventing linux57 (which I keep installed as a backup) from upgrading.
I initially tried uninstalling nvidia-prime and cuda before running the updater but once it rebooted sddm would not load (reverted using timeshift).
Instead, I uninstalled cuda and nvidia-prime, switched to the open source drivers and manually (using pacman) uninstalled linux57-nvidia-440xx. I then ran the updates and installed (using mhwd) the 450xx drivers. I finally used the command line version of mhwd to remove the 440xx driver and used the GUI to finally enable the 450xx driver. I had less trouble with Arch (mainly because I couldn’t be bothered to set up optimus).