Hi @linux-aarhus thank you for your reply.
As I promised I provide more information.
(but firstly, since I am sorry to have gone offtopic from this discussion, you or another moderator feel free to move my messages to another discussion).
I have Manjaro installed since February 2019 and I always performed system updates from TTY2; here I performs mirrors updated and then I execute sudo pacman -Syyu
During these years whole system update process as always taken a maximum time of 15 minutes (I am on SSD) and I have a fast (100 Mbps) internet connection. Which is also reliable.
The issue which I described is related to the third step, when on console I read, eg, (83/88 upgrading virtualbox)
- I take this one as example: as I’ve said, the slowdown can occurs on any package, is unpredictable: With slowdown I mean that the upgrading process, after a while, take a very long time, while the others previous (eg since 1/88 upgrading xxxx
to 82/88 upgrading xxxx
are quick and blazingly fast).
To summarize: since 1/88 upgrading xxxx
to 82/88 upgrading xxxx
the process is fast; then since 83/88 upgrading xxxx
to 88/88 upgrading xxxx
the process become very slow, and can occurs since any package, there is no pattern.
The execution of mkinitcpio and the building/upgrading of DKMS modules, instead, is fast as always, after the slowdown process of pacman.
On the other post I mistakenly pinpointed the fact that the last version of pacman which didn’t showed such issue, was 5.2.2.-4, but by looking at my logs (I also have the habit of keep documents with dates of system updates), seems that the issue is started with pacman 5.2.2.-4; 5.2.2.-3 instead didn’t showed such issue. But certainly the problem relies somewhere else on my system.
By checking the logs, the following issue has started since the following system update:
[Stable Update] 2021-04-18 - Kernels, Mesa, Wine, Plasma5, KDE Frameworks, LibreOffice, Bluez
I already run fsck from live environment and I checked SMART values: the SSD is healtly.
So, in the case that something on my system is causing such issue (eg also by some configuration file), on the live system will be excluded/bypassed?