Should gnome edition default to Wayland session?

Fedora has less extensions enabled

From my personal point of view fsleyes (AUR) doesn’t work on Wayland yet, but I can just switch to an X11 session for that. Not sure what Python libraries their using that don’t work under Wayland. My Python skills are very much at the print("Hello World!") level.

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Panfrost and Lima wayland drivers are good on ARM side.
Lima works better on wayland than on Xorg.
Panfrost is almost as good on wayland as on Xorg.

The “problem” is gonna be the software rendering. Like fbturbo and llvmpipe software drivers.
I have only tested Plasma on Wayland so far and with 5.20 you can hardly tell the difference between Wayland and Xorg.

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Will Manjaro ARM KDE be switching to Wayland when Plasma 5.20 arrives?

Switching by default. No.
But we will be installing the wayland session on the images from next release, so people can try it out directly from the Display Manager after first setup.

I enabled Wayland in /etc/gdm/custom.conf, then I switch to Wayland on Gnome 3.36.6 (Manjaro Stable branch) after reboot.

How many crashes have I seen:

  • Guake Terminal cannot start by pressing F12.
  • SMPlayer shows wrong position of Video.
  • Multi-touch screen with 3 fingers on the touchpad does not work

I switch back to Xorg and am waiting for fix.

Only thing I keep x-org: “Plank” doesnot work on wayland - I found no replacement (Gnome)

No color picker as well…

What exactly is supposed to be the benefit?

Well, currently:

  • Better gesture support
  • Hardware acceleration in firefox
  • no screen tearing
  • much smoother animations in gnome, no stuttering
  • needed for manjaro to work properly as vmware guest os (otherwise manual intervention is needed to get the right display resolution on every login)
  • more secure
  • actively developed, unlike xorg

These are some examples off the top of my head. Both wayland and xorg have their glitches. Some things just work better on one or the other. In my experience, this happens nowadays pretty equally to me on both sides.


Because of Wayland security reason that does not allow access to other apps.

I switch to XV as output driver in the preferences of SMPlayer. Video works fine!

I do not need install gesture manually. Wayland has own gesture.

It should be made default in unstable and testing branches first.
IMO wide adoption is needed for any software to mature and stabilize.
If more people will use it more bugs will be reported and fixed.

Anyhow people in unstable and testing branches are on bleeding edge of the software and things are expected to break or not work as expected.

Indeed, but no artistic work can be done on Wayland!

You can do screenshot and insert it in GIMP that has own color picker.

What is the problem with color picker? At least gnome-terminal color picker works just fine on wayland. Gcolor3 seems to work too.


This was indeed my issue! It is not functional for me on Wayland …

Thus, I am more of a Xorg expert, Wayland is still relatively new to me, so if you have any fixes for that, please let me know!:grin:

For me it just works on wayland :man_shrugging:. No steps to fix, I just installed it and it worked.

Yes, it launches, and it works, but I cannot use the color picker …

I might remove it, clear all related datas, and reinstall it in order to see whether this may be an anterior misconfiguration …:thinking:

I couldn’t get video decode hardware acceleration to work in Chromium using Wayland. Also scrolling is not smooth at all.