Using KDE with 5.15-LTS on stable branch
I’m using the rtl8192eu-git driver from the AUR as without it the adapter can’t connect to any network (but sees them)
The problem is that the system update brings with it a kernel update, which is why I have to rebuild the driver, as it “falls off”. But building the driver requires running headers, and for this I need to restart the system after the update, and after restarting I have no internet to rebuild the driver
Please help, maybe I’m doing something wrong? Here is my usual full system update script (this is the only script I use since I rarely update the system)
# update mirrors
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack --timeout 2
# upgrade all packages (normal + aur)
pamac upgrade --no-confirm --force-refresh --enable-downgrade --aur --devel
# install headers (required by the driver)
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qsq "^linux" | grep "^linux[0-9]*[-rt]*$" | awk '{print $1"-headers"}' ORS=' ') --noconfirm
# reinstall wifi driver (required if kernel was upgraded)
pamac build rtl8192eu-git --no-confirm
echo "blacklist rtl8xxxu" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8xxxu.conf
# remove all junk packages
pamac remove --no-confirm --orphans
# clean installation caches
pamac clean --no-confirm --verbose --build-files --keep 0
# clean system as root
sudo bleachbit --clean firefox.cache firefox.crash_reports firefox.vacuum firefox.backup discord.vacuum discord.cache system.cache system.clipboard system.desktop_entry system.recent_documents system.rotated_logs system.tmp system.trash thumbnails.cache journald.clean system.localizations
# clean system as normal user
bleachbit --clean firefox.cache firefox.crash_reports firefox.vacuum firefox.backup discord.vacuum discord.cache system.cache system.clipboard system.desktop_entry system.recent_documents system.rotated_logs system.tmp system.trash thumbnails.cache journald.clean system.localizations
# send TRIM to SSD
sudo fstrim /
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo "======= DONE ======="