[root tip] [How To] Install NextCloud using NextCloud Web installer

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Source: Install NextCloud on Raspberry Pi | root.nix.dk

NextCloud is an open-source collaboration tool which can be selfhosted.


For this you need a server device - e.g. Raspberry Pi 4B using WiFi

This document was written using a Raspberry PI 4B 4GB using a 16GB microSD.

To install NextCloud you need to prepare the following components.

  1. Apache or Nginx
  2. PHP
  3. Sqlite or MariaDB

The most widely used setup is called LAMP and is an acronym for Linux, Apacke, MariaDB/MYSQL, PHP/Perl/Python.

Refer to the following document to setup your LAMP stack and return here when ready as this document assumes you have the phpMyAdmin webapp available on the system.


Always ensure your system is up-to-date before adding new packages

sudo pacman -Syu

NextCloud requires any one of these locales to be enabled and generated

  • en_US.UTF-8
  • fr_FR.UTF-8
  • es_ES.UTF-8
  • de_DE.UTF-8
  • ru_RU.UTF-8
  • pt_BR.UTF-8
  • it_IT.UTF-8
  • ja_JP.UTF-8
  • zh_CN.UTF-8

Ensure you have at least en_US.UTF-8 locale enabled and generated.

echo en_US.UTF-8 | sudo tee -a /etc/locale.gen

Generate locale

sudo locale-gen

Installing NextCloud

This document will focus on the Web installer provided as a NextCloud community project nonetheless you have the option to use the nextcloud package from the repo along with the extensive documentation at Nextcloud - ArchWiki

NextCloud Web installer

The Web installer https://download.nextcloud.com/server/installer/setup-nextcloud.php is a php script you download and place in the root of the web service.

If you followed the LAMP stack your http root lives at /srv/http.

Open a terminal and navigate to the http root folder

cd /srv/http

Use curl to fetch the script

sudo curl -O https://download.nextcloud.com/server/installer/setup-nextcloud.php

Best practice is to go over the content and ensure it is legit

less setup-nextcloud.php

NextCloud Setup Wizard

Before you open the web installer to start the NextCloud installer - ensure the required php packages has been synced

sudo pacman -S php-gd  php-imagick php-intl

Depending on your actual requirements and the NextCloud features you want to make use of you will need to install other packages. A reference list can be viewed by visiting the Arch Community Repo package https://archlinux.org/packages/community/any/nextcloud/

The NextCloud developers recommend the use of MariaDB/MYSQL - but you can use sqlite for test and development. If you choose to use sqlite - you will need the php-sqlite package as well

sudo pacman -Syu php-sqlite

When you have installed the packages edit your system’s php.ini

sudo micro /etc/php/php.ini

Search and locate extension=bcmath or scroll down to the extensions list and enable


Search and locate memory_limit

memory_limit = 512M

Search and locate date.timezone, uncomment and set it to your timezone e.g.

date.timezone = Europe/Copenhagen

Save the file and close it then restart your http service

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Ensure the http user is set as owner of the /srv/http folder and content.

sudo chown http:http /srv/http -R

Load the installer in your browser by navigating to your server’s ip or name


When you click the Next button dependencies are verified and if they are found click Next to install in a subfolder named nextcloud. Replace nextcloud with a . if you want NextCloud in the root of the webserver.

Be patient - after a while you will be greeted with a Success message - click Next.

Setting up database

This document is only intended to wet your feet so SQLite may be just fine but for production you should use MariaDB. For production use you should refer to the NextCloud documentation

To create a database for your nextcloud app we will use phpMyAdmin. Navigate your browser to the web server’s phpmyadmin url


Login using your mariadb root user and the password created earlier.

  • Click the User accounts tab, then Add user account
  • Click the button next Generate password labelled Generate
  • Copy the password from the textbox and paste it somewhere convenient
  • Tick the box next to Create database with same name and grant all privileges
  • Scroll to the bottom and click Go

Go back to the NextCloud database setup page

  • Fill in your desired administrative username
  • Create a strong password
  • Click the Storage & Database dropdown and select MySQL/MariaDB
  • Fill in database user nextcloud
  • Fill in database passwd - copy/paste the passwd created above
  • Fill in the database name nextcloud
  • Don’t change the host
  • Click Install - have patience
  • The script redirects to an apps page - which may return 404 - ignore it and open the root url address for your NextCloud instance.

Navigate to your own nextcloud address


You are almost done

The rest is up to you - please remember to ensure your MariaDB engine is configured as recommended at NextCloud documetnation

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