I have a problem updating my Rock 3a.
I start with a fresh installation from “Manjaro-ARM-minimal-rock3a-22.12” and after updating with “pacman -Syu” I get following warning (after the new kernel installs):
WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: rockchipdrm
After rebooting, the board doesn’t start up and I get dropped to an emergency shell, where I can’t do anything.
I also tried installing linux-firmware after “pacman -Syu” (before rebooting) but got the same result. This also happened before with kernel 6.0 (back in December 2022) every time I tried switching to linux-rc 6.1.
I can’t replicate this on linux 6.1 and linux-rc 6.2. I get the same warning about missing firmware for rockchipdrm. My guess is that it’s only needed for non-HDMI displays.
Sorry, I forgot to say…I use a microSD from SanDisk. I’ve tried 3 with the same result (Ultra and Extreme Pro).
The next release will come in February, right?
@elpatax I did some tests. First I tried the default kernel, like the one you had. Works on eMMC (which is usually where there are issues) which worked. But after your report I tried it on an SD card. Did not boot, just like in your case.
So I tried a kernel fix, which works for me, so I have uploaded that to all branches.
Try doing your test again, making sure the updated kernel is linux-6.1.8-2. 6.1.7 would have the issue.
If it works for you too, I will submit the fix upstream.
EDIT: Submitted upstream, as it’s a fix that has been done for other rockchip devices in the past, so it makes sense that the Rock 3A also needs it.