I am new here, use Majaro since a week, may be less. I will try to explain my problem:
Usually I used LinuxMint (XFCE or KDE), but after bough new PC (SER5 Max) Mint wasn’t option for me anymore, because of some problem with my audio. I tried different distros, and the only two who worked were LMDE6 and Manjaro.
I was not familiar with Arch Linux, but reading here and there convince me to try it. It described as stable OS, who no need to reinstall because of upgrades every 1-2 years.
But starting to setup my OS I met another unexpected problem - the remote connection.
With Mint I used TeamViewer, with turned on or off monitor without any problems, with Manjaro when I turn off my monitor and the connection speed is extremely slow. If the monitor is tuned on - there is no problem. Start reading again and found the idea of the dummy monitor. OK, but if I set it then I can not use my physical monitor.
Do not blame me, may be I am lazy, or busy (a working man with kids), but is there an easy solution?
May be Mint managed this automatically, but looks like here I need to fix the mess alone. So can I use dummy monitor for remote connections like TV, xrdp, and same time to be able to use my real monitor?
I didn’t mention - I connect to my PC from Windows PC. If I can use Windows RD - nice, but TV is also good solution for me. Also I usually connect from the local network.
I use it for remote support (commercial license) a few years back I tested a local connection to a Manjaro desktop - the result was not so great - never tested again.
I prefer vnc even if it is across internet - simply use a ssh tunnel.
This kind of setup is descrbed in several guides in the Tutorials section.
first things first. a lot of vnc-applications still suffer on wayland and work properly on x11. check this first.
second: creating virtual displays rely on your system, so post the output of the mandatory
I use NoMachine. The free license is more than enough for my needs. It is very easy to use. Just install, check the options and use it. You can install it from AUR. I use a direct connection for internal network connections and a ssh tunnel for internet connections. Performance is great.
I use X11. For what I’ve read, it works on Wayland, but I had problems and reverted to X11.
good to know, but it’s always worth a try to check if the individual virtualized-application does work on x11 or wayland. this is a potential problem that should always be checked first before starting to edit configs etc…
I will try this command later, but there are two options - I can run it in the current state (after I installed xrdp and touch X11 configs), or I can revert (via Timeshift) to the state before this changes.
At what state is better to run this command?
I was able to connect from Win11 via RD to my Manjaro PC. After I setup xrdp of course and the run:
sudo X -configure
this generated /root/xorg.conf.new who moved into /etc/X11/xorg.conf
With this file I can connect no matter if the monitor is on or off. The funny part is when I drop remote connection, go to the PC an open an app. My taskbar go at the top, and when try to move it back to the bottom the option is missing. So I have to move it left/right/top and then to the bottom.
I can say I can find a dummy solution for my problem, the case when you have monitor on the remote PC, but want it be turned off. It may not work for all, but it is as follow:
on the monitor search for input settings, and there check for DP Hot-Plug Detection (I don’t know if this is available for HDMI), select it and set it to “Always Active”, or whatever name there is different than Low Power.
Whit this option TeamViewer, RustDesk and RealVNC should works.
But when I turn on the monitor my taskbar still jumps on the top…