Remote Desktop between 2 Manjaro Machines

Hate asking - but I am not getting anywhere on my own.

Trying to access my 2nd laptop running Manjaro-KDE from my primary laptop - also running Manjaro-KDE.

I have tried Remmina - doing a complete removal of all Remmina apps and plugins first… then installing: pacman -S remmina | pacman -S freerdp

Doing this on both machines - and launching Remmina on both machines…

No matter what I try - I always get: "cannot connect to the ‘’ rdp server…

Any more detailed guides (I’ve looked at Arch-Linux remmina guides and that isn’t getting me there…)

OR - I’m open to any other remote desktop apps that work…

Once I get this working I also want to get a remote desktop to work between my primary manjaro laptop and my ubuntu nextcloud server…

RustDesk is a well featured solution.

Download the package for Arch Linux, or appimage and flatpak versions are also available:

Otherwise, TeamViewer is apparently the simplest to use; though, I’ve never used it; it can be built from the AUR:

pamac build teamviewer
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If you are on Plasma … maybe try krfb?

Theres also the slightly newer krdb that might be worth mentioning.

Remmina is a remote desktop client.

The system you want to control must be running a service for the client to connect to.

The simplest solution is to use VNC over SSH and there is several guides in the Tutorials section.

There is xrdp as the service - which should provide the equivalent of a microsoft rds.

Xrdp - ArchWiki

There is this guide on microsoft’s web

Use xrdp with Linux - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Learn

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OK - I have created TOO much noise on this topic…

Installed KRFB and KRDC (client) - and I am able to connect to my remote desktop just fine…

Just couldn’t get xrdp and remmina to work…

I agree. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In the future, please edit your previous reply if no one else has responded instead of posting multiple times in a row.

I have no experience with setting up a service like microsoft rds on Linux.

What I have done numerous times is vnc over ssh.

using xrdp

When using xrdp you are building a custom package, which - in conjunction with system update - may break without warning.

using krdp

Testing on a Plasma desktop using krdp - it is a user service. This means it requires the user to be logged in for the service to be available. (plasma-krdp_server.service)

using krfb

This is techinically a VNC connection but without SSH - this is acceptable on a secure network, e.g. your local home network.

As you plan on accessing a remote server - VNC is insecure - using VNC over SSH should be your choice.

Point taken - I was attempting to track my efforts in case it could be useful to anyone else going through this… I’ve since cleaned things up.

Now all that remains is for you to mark a suitable post as the solution to this thread. Post #3 by @cscs seems the most likely.

Use the below the relevant post.


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