Reinstalling Virtualbox Logs off the system

When i try to install Virtualbox, i chosed the wrong kernel version linux4.19 so i upgrade to linux612 then uninstall virtualbox and dependencies. But as soon as i reinstall, the system logs off like the user pass and idk what happened. What causes this?

Possibly a missing restart due to kernel change?

If your session is kicked - it is not likely to be the installation of virtualbox - it must be something else.


Leaving your current issue aside, if I may, you may want to look into using virt-manager instead of Virtualbox, it works so much better.

Again, not necessarily fix your current issue, but you will not have to deal with choosing kernel modules and system breaking when your system upgrades.

I have a little tutorial on my site that shows how to easily install and run, I get many hits on that pages.

Here is the link, DeLinuxCoLinux Workstation - Form Following FunctionVirtual Machine Manager w/UEFI support
I think you would be much better served with Virt-Manager and Manjaro

Do you have these installed?:

Kernel modules etc.:
pamac search linux612 | grep Installed
linux612-virtualbox-host-modules  7.1.4-13 [Installed]                     extra
linux612-vhba-module  20240917-10 [Installed]                              extra
linux612-headers  6.12.4-1 [Installed]                                      core
linux612-acpi_call  1.2.2-13 [Installed]                                   extra
linux612  6.12.4-1 [Installed]                                              core

Also important you remove obsolete kernels before trying to install VirtualBox (and EOL kernels still being present will generally interfere with system upgrades anyway. Maybe not always straight away, but it will happen).

Can windows guest run on virt-manager?

Yes it can - remember a valid windows license.

Yes, I run windows 10 Pro and Windows 11 Pro in Virt-manager.

Add virtual TMP2 module and boot using Secure boot UEFI, you should not be using BIOS for windows 11.

Also, do not use Virtio for Video, use QXL

Note: Windows 10 & 11 Home editions only run with two virtual processors.

Will windows guest be smoother than my windows host? Because when i do it on my windows host then the guest will take long to load