Virt-manager, booting Windows 11 - cannot get past the shell screen

I cannot say if this has any correlation

  1. a space in the iso file name - edit filename to win11.iso
  2. Win11 explicitly looks for TPM2 and Secure Boot

I have created a win11 vm

  • Current user added to the libvirt group
  • Edit the vm properties before launch - set firmware to BIOS

While you can launch the installer - I remember reading about this long time ago - you will need to apply some windows registry tweaks to allow the installer to complete.


There is the aspect of legality to consider and there is valid reasons to install a virtual Windows.,

Your reason may be entirely valid and this is not to judge yours.

It stands to reason that Manjaro Linux Forum does not endorse any form of piracy - so please ensure you have aquired and own a valid license to run Windows 11 in a virtual machine.

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From virt-manager - Windows 11 |


Install Win11 using libvirt

  • Create a new virtual machine
  • Select a Windows 11 ISO file
  • Accept the defaults clicking Next until you reach the final screen
  • Tick the box Customize configuration before install and click Finish
  • In the Overview pane - set vm firmware to BIOS and click Apply
  • Click the button Begin Installation


Before starting the installer press ShiftF10 so launch the Windows Cmd utility and launch regedit.

  • Add new key named LabConfig
  • Add new DWORD value with name BypassTPMCheck and change the value to 1.
  • Add new DWORD value with name BypassRAMCheck and change the value to 1.
  • Add new DWORD value with name BypassSecureBootCheck and change the value to 1.

Close the registry editor and exit the shell, then continue the installer

Bypass network check

During last stage the installer will insist in network access.

This can be disabled using the Cmd utility ShiftF10 and enter OOBE\BYPASSNRO - then press Enter and back in the setup window click I don’t have internet.

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