It has been over a year since making the leap to Linux for the first time ever and gladly ditching Windows forever. I also started a solo business about the same time as well, so I really put a lot of research before settling on Manjaro in particular.
During a recent update via the PAMAC GUI, I seemed to have installed a entire new instance of Manjaro on another hard drive. Or at least I think it was via the PAMAC GUI, because at one time or another, I seem to remember another update method/feature that Manjaro uses maybe via the system tray notifications thing?
As it turns out, it has been on my list for some time to move my home folder to a separate drive and back up my setting/configurations, etc… So it seems I have managed to accidentally execute part of my plan. I just do not understand how it happened.
After the update, I noticed everything about my system was back to the default settings and I also had to re-setup Thunderbird so I could work. Then I opened a Word document from a client’s email and that is when I really came to expect that something much bigger was amiss. It opened up with Only Office! At first I thought it was Libre Office with the default settings, until I noticed some unfamiliar things about the UI of Only Office.
There is just so much to learn and not enough time to take it all in with Linux and I wish I had started this journey 20 years ago and my nature and curse is to constantly tinker and Linux is a tinkerers freaking dream.
But could I kindly ask someone who has the experience, to maybe possibly explain what I may of did to inflict this unexpected event?
And more importantly right now, how can I tell the current/newest version of Manjaro that is running, how to find/connect to my previous Home folder?
Any words of wisdom from anyone at all would be highly appreciated!