[ARM Testing Update] 2023-09-10 - Kernels, LibPamac, KDE, Gnome, Firefox, Pipewire, Thunderbird

Hello ARM community.

Archlinux ARM finalized migrating the community to extra repository.We updated kernels, KDE and other mobile related goodies for you.

Update Announcement

Some highlights:

  • Most of the Kernels got updated
  • Systemd is at 254.1
  • libpamac got some bug fixes
  • KDE gear got renewed to 23.08.0
  • KDE frameworks are at 5.109.0
  • Firefox is at 116.0.3
  • Gnome got updated to 44.4
  • LibreOffice got renewed to 7.5.5 and 7.6.0
  • Pipewire is at 0.3.78
  • Thunderbird is at 115.1.1
  • The usual KDE-git updates which moved to Qt6

End Of Life kernels (will be removed from repo soon):

  • linux60 (EOL on 2023-01-12) (removed from repository)

Tips And Tricks

Error about missing openssl 1.1 library

Since the update to the new OpenSSL 3.0, some applications might still be looking for version 1.1 og openssl.
Fortunately Arch Linux created a compatability package for such events called openssl-1.1.
So if you encounter any such errors, please install the above mentioned package.
Applications currently known to specifically look for 1.1 is silver. We have not been able to rebuild it yet. So if you are on our Gnome or Sway editions, please install openssl-1.1 as part of this update.

How to get Waydroid working

If you follow these steps, you should have Waydroid working fine.

Remember, Waydroid only works on wayland!

  • Install waydroid-image and all it’s dependencies.
  • Run pkexec setup-waydroid.
  • You should now be able to launch Waydroid. The first launch takes a while.
How to use Kodi RPI on Manjaro ARM

If anyone wants to test kodi on the rpi, install these packages:

sudo pacman -S kodi-rpi kodi-rpi-dev kodi-rpi-eventclients kodi-rpi-tools-texturepacker libcec-rpi linux-rpi4 xf86-video-fbdev

Have it set up is to boot straight in to kodi

This means the kodi.service file need to replace whatever login manager you have installled. In my case I would:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm.service
sudo systemctl enable kodi.service

They recommend removing custom configs in config.txt. We ran into an issue if a value was set with gpu_mem=.

My config.txt with a bit of overclocking:

#gpu_mem=64     #disable this
initramfs initramfs-linux.img followkernel

#enable sound

#enable vc4
#max_framebuffers=2    #disable cause kodi uses more

Some notes:

The default user will be kodi
kodi home directory will be /var/lib/kodi
So put test video in /var/lib/kodi/Videos so you can get to it
after setting up the video directory in kodi.

Upstream Notifications:

Older notifications

The PHP package has been updated to 8.2. If you still need 8.1, use php-legacy packages.
Arch Linux - News: PHP 8.2 update and introduction of legacy branch

If you used the Manjaro ARM Installer or is using PinePhone or PineTab, you need to redo your passwords, because of an update to libxcrypt:
Arch Linux - News: Sorting out old password hashes

The ghostpcl and ghostxps requires manual intervention (if you have these installed):
Arch Linux - News: ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention

The nss package requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package Changes (Wed Aug 30 23:59:25 CEST 2023)

  • arm-testing core aarch64: 74 new and 74 removed package(s)
  • arm-testing extra aarch64: 2472 new and 2424 removed package(s)
  • arm-testing kde-unstable aarch64: 275 new and 271 removed package(s)

A full list of all package changes can be found here.

Testers needed on arm-testing branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-testing branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Run this command to switch branch: sudo pacman-mirrors -aS testing && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-testing branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in Testing Updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself. (Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)
0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:


Manjaro, like many other open-source projects, relies on the generosity of its community through donations and corporate sponsorships to support its growth and development. These donations are essential in covering the various expenses incurred in the operations of the project such as server costs, software development tools, infrastructure expenses, training, flying people to events or conferences and the salaries of key developers. With the help of these donations, Manjaro is able to secure the necessary financial stability that allows the project to continuously improve and remain active. If you love Manjaro, consider to donate!

wiki post

I am getting this error when trying to launch Chromium:

/usr/lib/chromium/chromium: error while loading shared libraries: libre2.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Chromium has been broke for a few weeks now when it was on the unstable branch. It has been suggested to downgrade re2 on the arch forums but I have not tested it as I use firefox. It appears they are going to upgrade to chromium 116 at some point.

Hi @mammbo3 and @Darksky,

Had similar issue with Chromium on Unstable Branch, after system upgrade Chromium will no longer launch. “libre2.so.10” had be replaced/upgraded to “libre2.so.11”.

Luckily kept copy of “libre2.so” “libre2.so.10” and “libre2.so.10.0.0”. Copied “libre2.so.10” and “libre2.so.10.0.0” to /usr/lib/. This resolved the Chromium launch issue on Unstable Branch.

I have uploaded it to MEGA.NZ

1 Like

Update went smoothly on my Pinephone Pro, with the exception of being able to launch chromium afterward.

The versions of chromium and re2 in unstable work. Updated just those with the following:

sudo pacman-mirrors -aS unstable
sudo pacman -Syy chromium re2
sudo pacman-mirrors -aS testing
sudo pacman -Syyu

(Note: this is technically not a supported configuration and might result in other issues. This can be properly fixed by updating completely to unstable (risky, but I haven’t run into any issues with the current unstable packages), or wait until those updates make it to testing)

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [ARM Unstable Update] 2023-09-12: Thunderbird, Firefox, KDE Frameworks, LLVM

It’s been a while, but I did just now try to update my Pinephone Pro. The update seemed to go well, but after the update, the time was wrong, and the phone was unresponsive. So, I rebooted it with the power button. It’s still trying to boot up. It reads,

Failed to start Simple Desktop Display Manager

Then, the following line is repeated endlessly:

brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chamspec 0x100c fail, reason -52

Note, the print is small (so I may have made an error in transcribing this here), and these lines keep repeating, saying the same thing except the numbers/letters after “0x” are different (IE, it may say, “0xd02a”, otherwise the line is identically repeated.)

Just like in stable:

plasma-dialer also needs a rebuild in testing and unstable. The current package is non-functional with the current libphonenumber.

seems for whatever reason ALARM compiled 0.20.0-2 against some older ICU … @Kevin_Kofler @MarkG_108

And plasma-dialer? That comes from the Manjaro overlay, not from ALARM. So can someone please rebuild that (against the current libphonenumber) in all 3 branches?