[ARM Testing Update] 2024-03-08 - Kernels, KDE, Firefox, Libreoffice, Maui, Systemd

Known Issues and Solutions

This is a wiki post, please edit it when you find a solution to an issue you encountered

:arrow_right: 2024-01-29

Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

2024-01-09 - Jan Alexander Steffens

We are making dbus-broker our default implementation of D-Bus, for improved performance, reliability and integration with systemd.

For the foreseeable future we will still support the use of dbus-daemon, the previous implementation. Pacman will ask you whether to install dbus-broker-units or dbus-daemon-units. We recommend picking the default.

For a more detailed rationale, please see our RFC 25.

Arch Linux - News: Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

In some cases, however it is better to keep the legacy way. Here are some examples: Dbus-broker warnings

Firefox no longer honors gtk font size settings in user interface. Solved by setting about:config browser.display.os-zoom-behavior to 0 (zero)


Changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention

2023-11-02 - Frederik Schwan

We are introducing a change in JDK/JRE packages of our distro. This is triggered from the way a JRE is build in modern versions of Java (>9). We are introducing this change in Java 21.

To sum it up instead of having JDK and JRE packages coexist in the same system we will be making them conflict. The JDK variant package includes the runtime environment to execute Java applications so if one needs compilation and runtime of Java they need only the JDK package in the future. If, on the other hand, they need just runtime of Java then JRE (or jre-headless) will work.

This will (potentially) require a manual user action during upgrade:

  • If you have both JDK and JRE installed you can manually install the JDK with pacman -Sy jdk-openjdk && pacman -Su and this removes the JRE related packages.
  • If you have both JRE and JRE-headless you will need to choose one of them and install it manually since they would conflict each other now.
  • If you only have one of the JDK/JRE/JRE-headless pacman should resolve dependencies normally and no action is needed.

At the moment this is only valid for the upcoming JDK 21 release.

Arch Linux - News: Incoming changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention


Phosh apps ignore dark theme (fixed with xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-1.15.1-1)
  • Problem: apps ignore dark theme preference
  • Workaround: downgrade xdg-desktop-portal-gtk from 1.15.0-1 to 1.14.1-1


Display doesn't load on PinePhone Pro running KDE Plasma
  • Problem: Failed to start Simple Desktop Display Manager
  • Workaround: (none known yet)


Pinephone Pro doesn't boot (fixed in latest update)
  • Problem: The Pinephone Pro will fail to boot after updating linux-pinephonepro 6.3.11-1 to 6.4.4-1
  • Workaround: Either wait for a non-broken kernel, or temporarily add linux-pinephonepro to the IgnorePkg line in /etc/pacman.conf to update the rest of the packages


Docker 23 not starting

Since the update to Docker 23, upstream is now inforcing new paths for apparmor related stuff. But there has been changes to dependencies yet. So Docker 23 will error on start.
Fix: Install apparmor from the repositories.


Reduced video playback performance in mpv

There has been reports of video playback performance in mpv has regressed since an update to mpv.
Fix: MPV now needs a vd-lavc-dr=no parameter to play hw acceleration supported 1080p videos smoothly.

Touch input on Firefox with Phosh not working in Firefox 108

Since the update to Firefox 108, the touch input does not work. Seems to be an issue with a couple of the changes the mobile-config brings in.
Fix Fixed in version 4.0.0-1 of mobile-config-firefox released with Manjaro testing on April 14, 2023


OpenSSL 1.1 library not found

Some applications might still be looking for openssl 1.1.
Solution: Install openssl-1.1 package with sudo pacman -S openssl-1.1.


Plasma Mobile Dialer seems to be unreliable

Plasma Dialer 22.09 seems to have issues switching audio profiles and as such might require manual switching. Sometimes audio is completely missing.

Reduced video performance on youtube

Some may encounter reduced video playback performance on YouTube in Firefox with the new Mesa 22.2 drivers.
No workaround at this time.

Old Issues

Phosh crashes when closing apps
An upstream issue results in the Phosh shell to crash when you close the app in the app switcher, with animations turned off.
Fix: Enable animations in Tweaks application

Mouse cursor is slow on Raspberry Pi
Due to a change in the Raspberry Pi kernels upstream, they no longer support FKMS. This can result in slow performance when using the FKMS drivers with the newer Raspberry Pi kernels.
Solution: Open /boot/config.txt, change fkms to kms in the dtoverlay line. Save the file and reboot.

[Waydroid container cannot access internet
Cause: new default waydroid configuration issue, tracked here.

Short-term Solution:

  1. create /etc/nftables.d/waydroid.nft with the following contents:
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
table inet filter {
    chain input {
        iifname "waydroid0" accept comment "Allow incoming network traffic from WayDroid"
    chain forward {
        iifname "waydroid0" accept comment "Allow outgoing network traffic from WayDroid"
        ct state {established, related} counter accept comment "accept established connections"
  1. any time you launch waydroid, run the following after it has started:
echo "ip route add default via" |sudo waydroid shell

Previous testing threads:

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