RDP or VNC from windows to my manjaro


so i install my new manjaro computer and i need to take access on it with xRDP or tigerVNC and nothing works

i start with xrdp

Installation not works :

[issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 issa]# pacman -S xrdp
erreur : impossible de trouver la cible : xrdp

so now i try tigervnc :

Installation :

[issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 issa]# pacman -S tigervnc
avertissement : tigervnc-1.11.0-6 est à jour -- réinstallation
résolution des dépendances…
recherche des conflits entre paquets…

Paquets (1) tigervnc-1.11.0-6

Taille totale installée :    5,45 MiB
Taille de mise à jour nette :  0,00 MiB

:: Procéder à l’installation ? [O/n] o
(1/1) vérification des clés dans le trousseau                                                  [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) vérification de l’intégrité des paquets                                                  [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) chargement des fichiers des paquets                                                      [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) analyse des conflits entre fichiers                                                      [#######################################################] 100%
(1/1) vérification de l’espace disque disponible                                               [#######################################################] 100%
:: Traitement des changements du paquet…
(1/1) réinstallation tigervnc                                                                  [#######################################################] 100%
:: Exécution des crochets de post-transaction…
(1/4) Reloading system manager configuration...
(2/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(3/4) Updating icon theme caches...
(4/4) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...

and the start :

[issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 issa]#  systemctl start vncserver@:1
Job for vncserver@:1.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status vncserver@:1.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

and the details :

░ Subject: L'unité (unit) vncserver@:1.service a commencé à démarrer
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://forum.manjaro.org/c/support
░░ L'unité (unit) vncserver@:1.service a commencé à démarrer.
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 vncsession-start[3144]: No user configured for display :1
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj==unconfined msg='unit=vncserver@:1 com>
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: vncserver@:1.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
░░ Subject: Unit process exited
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://forum.manjaro.org/c/support
░░ An ExecStart= process belonging to unit vncserver@:1.service has exited.
░░ The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 1.
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: vncserver@:1.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
░░ Subject: Unit failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://forum.manjaro.org/c/support
░░ The unit vncserver@:1.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Failed to start Remote desktop service (VNC).
░░ Subject: L'unité (unit) vncserver@:1.service a échoué
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://forum.manjaro.org/c/support
░░ L'unité (unit) vncserver@:1.service a échoué, avec le résultat failed.
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 kernel: kauditd_printk_skb: 6 callbacks suppressed
mai 04 19:41:50 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1620150110.789:406): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj==unconfine>
lines 2350-2433/2433 (END)

do u know what is wrong please ?

just installing is not enough - they need to be configured.

You want to access Manjaro from Windows?
Only in your local network or via internet?
You probably will need to set some port forwardings in your router if the machine needs to be accessible from the internet.

Hello, only on my local network

what configuration please ?

My first source of information is always the Arch wiki - it usually has comprehensive information.
Can’t be more specific.


You have to add/uncomment EnableAUR in /etc/pamac.conf then you will be able to do
pamac install xrdp as it is an AUR package.
then : Xrdp - ArchWiki

As Nachlese said, check your settings with :

so i folow this step :

  1. Create a password using vncpasswd which will store the hashed password in ~/.vnc/passwd.

    [issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ vncpasswd
    Would you like to enter a view-only password (y/n)? n

  2. Edit /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users to define user mappings. Each user defined in this file will have a corresponding port on which its session will run. The number in the file corresponds to a TCP port. By default, :1 is TCP port 5901 (5900+1). If another parallel server is needed, a second instance can then run on the next highest, free port, i.e 5902 (5900+2).

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ nano /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users
so i add this :

# TigerVNC User assignment
# This file assigns users to specific VNC display numbers.
# The syntax is <display>=<username>. E.g.:
# :2=andrew
# :3=lisa

  1. Create ~/.vnc/config and at a minimum, define the type of session desired with a line like session=foo where foo corresponds to which ever DE is to run. One can see which DEs are available on the system by seeing their corresponding .desktop files within /usr/share/xsessions/.

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ nano ~/.vnc/config
i add this :


Starting and stopping tigervnc

Start vncserver@.service and optionally enable it to run at boot time/shutdown. Note that the display number needs to be specified following the literal @ sign. For :1 it would look like this:

ok now i start the tools :

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ systemctl start vncserver@:1
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ====
Authentification requise pour démarrer « vncserver@:1.service ».
Authenticating as: issa
[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$

so evrythings look cool

i try to connect with remoteNG on my windows computer :

so i put : my ip :
and the port : 5901

and i got this error :
what do u think please :
connection failed unable to connect to the server : connection refused

what do u think is wrong please ?

i do all stuff all the guide says !


What is the output of systemctl status vncserver@:1 now ?
Are you able to ping and/or access to computer via ssh ?
Is there a firewall on the computer ?

this doesn’t look like you followed the guide at Arch wiki
… or only rather … spotty …
that does not match up to tigervnc …

i found the log :

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ tail -f ~/.vnc/issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996\:1.log
(xfwm4:64271): xfwm4-WARNING **: 20:14:10.019: Unsupported GL renderer (llvmpipe (LLVM 11.1.0, 128 bits)).

(xfwm4:64271): xfwm4-WARNING **: 20:14:10.144: Failed to connect to session manager: Impossible de se connecter au gestionnaire de session : IO error occured opening connection
xinit: connection to X server lost

waiting for X server to shut down
Wed May  5 20:14:10 2021
 ComparingUpdateTracker: 0 pixels in / 0 pixels out
 ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:-nan ratio)

hello i connect on ssh on my manjaro linux desktip from my windows

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ systemctl status vncserver@:1
● vncserver@:1.service - Remote desktop service (VNC)
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)

mai 04 21:59:41 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: vncserver@:1.service: Succeeded.
mai 04 22:01:17 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Starting Remote desktop service (VNC)...
mai 04 22:01:17 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Started Remote desktop service (VNC).
mai 04 22:01:19 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: vncserver@:1.service: Succeeded.
mai 05 19:58:39 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Starting Remote desktop service (VNC)...
mai 05 19:58:39 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Started Remote desktop service (VNC).
mai 05 19:58:41 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: vncserver@:1.service: Succeeded.
mai 05 20:14:08 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Starting Remote desktop service (VNC)...
mai 05 20:14:08 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: Started Remote desktop service (VNC).
mai 05 20:14:11 issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 systemd[1]: vncserver@:1.service: Succeeded.

on my manjaro ip :

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether a6:76:82:10:a5:85 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp0s18
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute ens18
       valid_lft 42086sec preferred_lft 42086sec
    inet6 2a01:e0a:52d:e740:8e3d:4a33:e5ec:4e93/64 scope global dynamic noprefixroute
       valid_lft 86339sec preferred_lft 86339sec
    inet6 fe80::e778:60ed:bf75:9b27/64 scope link noprefixroute
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

and from my windows i can ping my manjaro


Envoi d’une requête 'Ping' avec 32 octets de données :
Réponse de : octets=32 temps<1ms TTL=64
Réponse de : octets=32 temps<1ms TTL=64
Réponse de : octets=32 temps<1ms TTL=64
Réponse de : octets=32 temps<1ms TTL=64

Statistiques Ping pour
    Paquets : envoyés = 4, reçus = 4, perdus = 0 (perte 0%),
Durée approximative des boucles en millisecondes :
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Moyenne = 0ms

Sorry ?? i do all step ?

it doesn’t match with what I see at the Arch wiki …

And what gives you this command : inxi -G --display ?

[issa@issa-standardpci440fxpiix1996 ~]$ inxi -G --display
Graphics:  Device-1: driver: bochs-drm v: N/A
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.11 driver: loaded: modesetting resolution: 1024x768~75Hz
           OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.1.0 128 bits) v: 4.5 Mesa 21.0.3

this is a virtual machine (?)

yes on proxmox

changes the picture a bit
I’d think …
Still unsure about tigervnc vs … whatever you seem to be doing

I’m out of my depth with this even on a regular, real machine.
mentioning this (running in a VM) might help others to help you.

DE stands for desktop environment not user name so it should be session=gnome or session=lxqt.

But there must be something else besides that, because I also cant get it to work! :smiley:

I’m trying to get rdp and vnc working somewhat differently than the way described above, rather than a fixed user via .vnc/password arrangement, I’m trying to use xdmcp. I have lightdm installed and the slick greeter, mainly I use this combo because it works on every other platform I have, all the redhat derived and all the debian derived. Manjaro is the one platform I’m having problems with. What happens when I connect, is I get the greeter, I give it the login and password, and then it immediately disconnects. I can’t find any fatal errors in logs. I am using tigervnc for the vnc and launching it out of xinetd, with the same arguments I use on other systems where it is working. With vnc it immediately disconnects after providing a valid username and password that I can login with via ssh. With rdp, I get the login prompt but after providing it, it just goes to a solid blue and sits there.

I did find some relevant logs in xrdp-sesman:

[20211123-23:27:44] [INFO ] Starting X server on display 11: /usr/lib/Xorg :11 -auth .Xauthority -config xrdp/xorg.conf -noreset -nolisten tcp -logfile .xorgxrdp.%s.log
[20211123-23:27:54] [WARN ] Timed out waiting for X server on display 11 to startup
[20211123-23:27:54] [WARN ] Timed out waiting for X server on display 11 to startup
[20211123-23:27:54] [INFO ] Session started successfully for user nanook on display 11
[20211123-23:27:54] [INFO ] Starting the xrdp channel server for display 11
[20211123-23:27:54] [ERROR] There is no X server active on display 11
[20211123-23:27:54] [ERROR] A fatal error has occured attempting to start the window manager on display 11, aborting connection

So it appears xrdp is not successfully starting an X-session.