Python-imdbpy needs to be rebuilt against Python 3.11

After today’s update 2023-06-04 I executed pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10/ to see which packages needs to be rebuilt against Python 3.11; I’ve rebuilt all AUR packages, but remains a package which seems from manjaro’s repo: python-imdbpy, despite the fact that is reported as “None” in repository.



EDIT: python-imdbpy is required by the app hypnotix.

This package has been dropped by Arch. You should remove it form your system, since there will no rebuild by the original packager.

But maybe the Manjaro team will pick it up again and rebuild it.

Ok, I can remove it, but is needed by hypnotix; there is an alternative?

Ok, I figured it out: I uninstalled python-imdbpy and installed python-cinemagoer and hypnotix works again.

Hmm, you’re right. That package is still only available in the stable branch: Packages

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