Prepros cannot be started

I installed prepros from AUR using Pamac.
However, when I start prepro from the start menu, nothing happens.
When I started it from the terminal, the following error message was displayed.

$ prepros
Error launching app
Unable to find Electron app at /opt/prepros/app.asar

Cannot find module '/opt/prepros/app.asar'
Require stack:
- /usr/lib/electron25/resources/default_app.asar/main.js

How can I get it to start?

AUR is unsupported

first - don’t post images - they are useless - use a clear textual description.

next - look at the aur page for the recipe in question - it most likely has the answer- AUR (en) - prepros-bin - if not ask the maintainer.

@tanoshinichiyo - and anyone else interested:

At the time of writing, the maintainer of Prepros-bin (AUR) has corrected the error described above which prevented the electron app from launching. Prepros-bin v7.16.0-2 now installs and starts as expected when launched from the console or by activating the prepros.desktop file; with one caveat:-

If installing within a KDE/Plasma environment, the prepros.desktop file may not be detected and fails to appear in the KDE Menu. Whether the cause is KDE-specific or due to incorrect formatting of the .desktop file, is uncertain.

For the benefit of any Prepros-bin users (on KDE) who experience the missing menu entry issue, the workaround is to manually create or copy the prepros.desktop file, and keep it somewhere convenient: For example:

cd ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/prepros.desktop .

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