Plasma 6: Restart and Shutdown not working


After the update to Plasma 6 conventional Restart and Shutdown via Plasma GUI stopped working. Just hangs on the empty wallpaper. If my configs are relevant, please tell me what exactly I should publish.

I use X11 with i3 WM. The configuration inherited from Plasma 5 apparently works. Actually, when I click Restart, the KDE Panel vanishes, but i3 status bar remains. I can start my desktop console and run sudo shutdown -r now.

I suppose the post sank before being seen by the people in the know :blush:. Understandably, taking into account the nature of the upgrade.

The only hint that I discovered myself looks like the last resort. A bit drastic. Do I have to start with this?

You still need to do this no matter how much you dont want to.

Same goes for needing to use addons (icons,themes,widgets,etc) that are compatible with plasma 6.


> rm -rf ~/.cache/*

Got a lot of free space, but that’s all. The desktop looks good (as good as before), but no Restart for me.

I think, i3 is hijacking the restart business after the upgrade to Plasma 6. With i3 key bindings all works as before. Nothing lethal, just a bit untidy.

Maybe something broke, while you updated?

How did you update? Did you log out and stopped SDDM before you update with TTY?

$ yay -Syu

Then reboot. As always.

Well i just did the update on my AMD CPU/GPU Laptop with Manjaro/KDE.

All what i did was:
1.Fresh start
2.Log out
3.crtl+alt+f3 to open TTY
4.sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack
5.sudo systemctl stop sddm
6.sudo pacman -Syu
and spammed Y to replace everything

Im NOT even deleted ./cache or reseted ./config stuff, on my 4year’s old home user account. I’m not even switched any of my Theme to default, that i downloaded from the KDE Store, everything is still customised, but few icon’s are missing.

Restart from taskbar is working flawless here from the taskbar.
Maybe you need under SDDM Settings, Empty session activate.

~/.cache and ~/.config cleanup didn’t make any difference in my case, too.

The SDDM thing I can’t understand. What checklist would you suggest in my case, with the upgrade already done?

Do you mean KDE System Settings > SDDM? I can’t see any Session there.

The lost option at the max bottom.

System Settings>Sessions>Desktop Session and start with a empty session.

Doesn’t make any difference, either.

Unselected Log out Screen under session.

Colours & Themes> Login Screen (SDDM)> Breath
And Splash Theme> None

Restart your system and check the result after it.

Its only hangs there, but the whole system isn’t freezing, so you can still force TTY and restart your system instead Power Off?

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The system is OK. At least, via i3. I can start console, I can even manage Restart, Shutdown and things from i3 status bar as before.


set $Locker i3lock -c 031207 && sleep 1
set $mode_system System (l) lock, (e) logout, (s) suspend, (h) hibernate, (r) reboot, (Shift+s) shutdown
mode "$mode_system" {
    bindsym l exec --no-startup-id $Locker, mode "default"
    bindsym e exec --no-startup-id i3-msg exit, mode "default"
#    bindsym s exec --no-startup-id $Locker && systemctl suspend, mode "default"
    bindsym s exec --no-startup-id systemctl suspend, mode "default"
    bindsym h exec --no-startup-id $Locker && systemctl hibernate, mode "default"
    bindsym r exec --no-startup-id systemctl reboot, mode "default"
    bindsym Shift+s exec --no-startup-id systemctl poweroff -i, mode "default"

    # back to normal: Enter or Escape
    bindsym Return mode "default"
    bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+Shift+x mode "$mode_system"

Keep in mind this is the Manjaro forum and not Arch; however, if you have useful input, I’m sure noone will object too much. :wink: Cheers.

What does Plasma have to do with i3 VM ?

If this is a kind of dual desktop scenario - you should look into /etc/xdg - look in the autostart folder - possibly a conflict of interest when you choose to login into the i3 desktop.

What does this have to do with Manjaro and Plasma 6 ?

You can use Plasma and replace KWin with another WM (see, e.g., KDE webpage of Arch Wiki; I can’t post links for some reason).

It has to do because it is exactly the same problem, also after the update to Plasma 6. This thread is the only useful Google hit I got. (There is a lot of noise there concerning some unrelated KDE Neon bug.) I posted on Arch BBS too; let’s see if anything useful pops up there.

Your system - your choice - :man_shrugging:

While that is technically possible and perhaps it was even feasible at some point with kwin - in my opinion - with the latest iterations of Plasma - I think it is an outright bad idea.

I think plasma workspace and desktop has a lot of inner mechanics which may be expecting kwin capabilities.

Just because you can do it - does not mean you should - and the usecase is very, very niche where issues appear to belong in the self-inflicted category.

KDE Plasma is made to use kwin - any other window manager in connection with the plasma components is likely to cause unexpected issues which has nothing to do with Plasma but the windowmanager of choice.

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Yes, my case is the case of KWin replaced with i3 under Plasma 6. In principle, I accept any suggestion for another tiling window manager, since i3 is never planned for porting to Wayland, which I’ll have to use sooner or later. To my knowledge, nobody’s going to adapt Sway as a KWin alternative, which I’d prefer :slight_smile: . Polonium just doesn’t look as nice as i3 yet… Maybe I haven’t studied it deep enough.

Hi, this may help: fakwin: Fake KWin DBus service to make KDE 6 play nice with i3wm
The bug has been filed upstream: 488277 – Unable to leave session when using custom window manager

Unfortunately, I can’t add links because I’m a new user, hence the broken links.

mod edit: fixed link to bug tracker

Thanks! Sounds plausible.

Markdown links are used here.