[Plasma 6] RC2 testing

Plasma 6 Alpha

Manjaro has - for a long time had a repo kde-unstable - this repo has lived in the shadows - used by developers.

The repo is CI managed building daily



If you have the guts to participate in testing here is the recipe for switching your system to plasma 6.

:warning: :zap:
This is alpha - bumpy road ahead - steep cliffs to fall from …
beware - there be
:dragon: :dragon_face: :dragon:

If you are keen to test - please observe the following - it is alpha testing - the repo is rebuild daily using CI.

do not do this on your production system you may find it was not that good an idea.

It is bleeding edge unstable - you literally walk the line - don’t drink and drive - you have been warned.

Switch your system to unstable branch - you must to be on the bleeding edge … and run a full system sync

sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch unstable
sudo pacman -Syu

Edit your pacman.conf and place the following snippet between [core] and [extra] repo

Do not do this - kde-unstable - is not usable

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


Now run another full system sync

sudo pacman -Syu

Accept the changes proposed and complete the sync

Reboot your system

Focus on Manjaro specific applications - e.g.

  • Manjaro Settings Manager
  • The KCM module
  • The KCM tray notifier
  • Manjaro Hello
  • Manjaro Application Utility

Report your findings at the relevant repo Applications · GitLab.

You can find the source URL using

pamac info <pkgname>

For Plasma developed packages please use the same approach - report at relevant package repo on bugs.kde.org.


I think it should just be noted that you shouldn’t expect or request assistance here, as it’s still extremely alpha, as you mentioned.



I think you meant Gitlab and not Gitlib.

:wink: :smile:

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The first beta is planed for 29/11. Will Manjaro make it available?

Plasma will come to Manjaro when the time is.

There is a CI buildbot for kde-unstable - it will be an adhoc experience.

For the time being is patience the recommended action.

Manjaro kde-unstable is very unstable. Plasma is very much in alpha state - especially on Manjaro.

If you must test Plasma 6 - then KaOS has a very good alpha iso with Plasma 6 - in fact this comment is written on a Tuxedo Infinitibook Pro running KaOS Plasma 6.

Archlinux made the beta version available.
Why is the breeze theme in the unstable repo not updated since August ?

The Manjaro kde-unstable is not the way to go for testing - it is not maintained.

Use this recipe

First switch to Manjaro unstable branch

sudo pacman-mirrors -aS unstable

Sync your system completely

I mean completely - if you get any inconsistencies - fix them

sudo pacman -Syu

Remove all customization

Open your plasma settings manager and switch everything to default Plasma Breeze - do not use any customized settings at this point - that includes but not limited to

  • sddm theme
  • global theme
  • icon theme
  • window decorations
  • colors

Dysfunctional Manjaro packages

  • plasma5-themes-breath-migration
  • plasma5-themes-breath
  • sddm-breath-theme
  • manjaro-kde-settings
  • manjaro-settings-manager
  • manjaro-settings-manager-kcm
  • manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier

Inject Arch kde-unstable

Then inject the Arch Linux kde-unstable repo into your pacman.conf

Be sure to place it before core repo.

You can choose any server from the Arch Linux mirrorlist as you see fit.

The example is my unofficial Arch Linux mirror at linux-aarhus archive @ uex.dk using a RPi4B 8G/500GB SSD on a 1Gbit fiberoptic connection placed at my home office.

Server = https://uex.dk/repos/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Run a full system sync

Replace packages when queried

sudo pacman -Syu

Reboot and login

You should now have a message in lower right corner of the screen

KDE Plama 6.0 RC2
Visit bugs.kde.org to report issues

Plasma packages


  • spectacle not launching (no messages on CLI)

I managed to get some feed back on CLI

 $ spectacle
Remember requesting the interface on your desktop file: X-KDE-Wayland-Interfaces=zkde_screencast_unstable_v1
kpipewire_record_logging: VAAPI: Display initialized
kpipewire_record_logging: VAAPI: API version 1 . 20
kpipewire_record_logging: VAAPI: Mesa Gallium driver 23.3.6-manjaro1.1 for AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (radeonsi, navi31, LLVM 16.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.7.5-1-MANJARO) in use for device "/dev/dri/renderD128"
kpipewire_record_logging: DRM device not found
Screenshot request failed: "The process is not authorized to take a screenshot"

I tried reproduce with an Arch based system - no problems
Conclusion to spectacle issue is that it is a local Manjaro issue or perhaps my frankenjaro - work required
Remove ~/.config/spectaclerc


Neither of the above solution works, looks like KDE packages are not updated in manjaro repos. So no luck.

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If you follow down the thread it is acknowledged that Manjaro kde-unstable is not doable - one has to create a franken system.

It is testing - using Arch Linux packages - it is only for highly experienced users …

But it works for me … but I am also highly experienced … :grin: