PdaNet for wifi-direct hotspot

Okay I’m back armed with a new mouse. I need to run the script and check things since my reboot. If you guys are busy, I’m in no hurry. I’m thriilled to be able to use firefox. And btw, If anyone could help better if they could run the unlocked version of pdanet, send me a PM.

systemd-resolved.service is loaded but not active

curl still can’t resolve

I’ll look for @xabbu 's last instuctions

here is resolv.conf

# Generated by NetworkManager
nameserver 2620:fe::fe
nameserver 2620:fe::9
/etc/resolv.conf (END)

That’s the DNS I chose, although I plan to later switch to cloudflare.

And I don’t have dig installed.

I went ahead and switched to cloudflare.

my new resolv.conf is

# Generated by NetworkManager
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1111
# NOTE: the libc resolver may not support more than 3 nameservers.
# The nameservers listed below may not be recognized.
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1001
/etc/resolv.conf (END)

curl still not resolving

I connected to an AP I shouldn’t.
pacman and yay couldn’t find a pkg called dig

is part of the
sudo pacman -S bind

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Just to make sure you might want to limite curl to just IPv4. It is the -4 option

curl -4  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkansawdave74/andronix/master/repofixfix.sh

Also since you only have a IPv4 Proxy, disable IPv6 in NM (set it to disabled or link-local only).

if you try dig do something like

dig github.com A

and compare it with

dig github.com A @


dig github.com A @

If you use the proxy, do not use cloudflare DNS.

Also before you try curl, make sure the variables are really set. print them out with echo!

echo $http_proxy
echo $https_proxy

Well I changed to cloudflare.

And sorry, I had this tab open but I guess firefox doesn’t put a bubble on the tab when you get a notification like chrome.

I’ll change thge dig command to

Oh I can’t do it now. No pacman. No real internet.

not helpful
counterproductive even

what is one to gain from this info?

Means take a break. Just don’t want anyone waiting on me. I can’t do anything now.

I’m loosing interest here.
No information forthcoming towards the issue how the provider might decide on what data is coming through the phone vs coming through devices connected through it,
TTL - possibly. …

TBH @Nachlese , I thought it was counterproductive for you to show up interupting and asking questions you should’ve been googling and then complaining that I didn’t have time at the moment to read first what I Googled for you. You can go. I’ll try hard not to miss you. Thanks for coming.

Good luck with your endeavours then.

You act as though there were something I could magically do to get internet and continue. Well, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do in this thread, but it’s not accomplished yet. If you don’t want to bear with me I can’t make you. You would be a real loss though.

no, I didn’t.
Your perception got the better of your … perception …

there is more to unravel here

how do the providers detect that you, on your phone, allow internet data to be shared with other devices

that seems to be the root of your problem

You bid me good bye.
I bid you good bye!

… not a pleasure … :wink:

hope you get your problem fixed though
… somehow …

thanks. I couldn’tr have removed that space without you.

Doesn’t matter. With the @IP option, you tell dig which server it should query.

You should start reading some manuals.

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I actually tried to read thew manual for dig, but that was before I knew it was part of bind. I also tried dig --help and nothing. I just woke up and checked man bind which I’ll soon be reading but I just now found out that I probably can run dig since I have bind.

Actually, I don’t have bind installed. But I can read it’s manual for some reason.
Dig command not found. Would it be helpful if you could run the full version of pdanet on android @xabbu ?

Well, I got bind, ran the dig commands, and then saw this.

Do you want me to use a DNS at all? Or a different DNS?
And is there a way to stop the proxy script? Will restarting NetworkManager stop it?

Depends on the results.

What I actually tried to say with his sentence, “If you use the proxy, I would strongly recommend to use the DNS server that the app suggest.”

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Ok I restarted NetworkManager, hopefully stopping the proxy script. DNS still set to cloudflare. And I’m not sure what app you mean that suggests a DNS.

[user@ltp ~]$ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
[sudo] password for user: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for user: 
[user@ltp ~]$ curl -4  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkansawdave74/andronix/master/repofixfix.sh
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: raw.githubusercontent.com
[user@ltp ~]$ dig github.com A

; <<>> DiG 9.16.13 <<>> github.com A
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

[user@ltp ~]$ dig github.com A @

; <<>> DiG 9.16.13 <<>> github.com A @
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

[user@ltp ~]$ dig github.com A @

; <<>> DiG 9.16.13 <<>> github.com A @
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

[user@ltp ~

I’ll be right back with the environment variables… Forgot.

I see that restarting NetworkManager stops the script and I think you want me to just remove my DNS settings, rerun the script, and do all that again.