Pamac triggers search after the 3rd letter is typed

To start narrowing the results down and continue to narrow it down as you type further…

Say you’re looking for a package msi-keyboard-light.

If you search pamac for “m” there are many more results, “ms” is better, and “msi” is almost all you need.

So the problem comes from the way search in the local AUR cache is implemented, I think it’s either related to the data structure of AUR local cache (not optimized for fast search), or due to the use of one thread both for consuming user pressed keys and processing the local search, because that 1 to 2 seconds is totally obvious and truthfully is annoying.

This has been a subject of discussion many times AFAIK. And this is the best compromise between everyone.

Personally I use the command line, but even before I started using only that, it wasn’t bad. Especially when you consider that you’re not coughing up hundreds of bucks for it. Or in my case, it would’ve been thousands. It still is, for my wife.

It’s just :disappointed:, being the only app from Manjaro team and it’s not up to users expectations.

Thing is, you can’t please everyone.

And maybe it’s just me, I don’t know, but I don’t think one can expect more from something that you get for free. But maybe that’s just me.


Well, actually it triggers to load the database into the RAM Cache after typing the 3rd character. Before it would send a web request, now it is a local database. I guess the file is just very big and needs 1sec to load (at least on my system).

Anyway… when loaded, it is smooth.

Btw… I cannot view the video because it needs Evaluation. :man_shrugging:

I have to agree that I would prefer the search to start after the first word or pause, instead of stopping what I write at the third character.


Why not load it when the app is starting (only if AUR is enabled) ?


I am experiencing this as well and yes, it’s kind of annoying that pamac gets non-responsive for about 2 seconds after you typed 3 letters into the search box.

Wouldn’t it be better to load that database into RAM on pamac startup? 2 secs of additional startup time shouldn’t be an issue. Or am I missing something here?

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That is legit. Maybe file an issue here: Issues · Applications / pamac · GitLab


Done Load AUR local database cache (if AUR is enabled) when Pamac starts (#1326) · Issues · Applications / pamac · GitLab


Was just there. Isn’t logged in, so can’t comment. I think just put a link to this post as relevant in the description. It can only help.

pamac should be designed to only search once you’ve entered your text and hit enter.

…t was how the search used to behave before the autocomplete was added

…ning off AUR reduces the glitch to a micro-pause (but no AUR packages)

If …
…there is not viable solution soon, maybe Manjaro Team could consider adding an option in Preferences to turn autocomplete off?

Pamac-manager is one of the most important features of Manjaro and is mostly excellent
I don’t like the new multi-column fluid style, so I use it with a narrow window
I don’t need software mode, so I keep it turned off
plugins for snap/flatpak are not installed
But the ‘mostly excellent’ emphasises the one remaining glitch

I’ve gone to pikaur over paru or yat and using pacseek over pamac.

Seems like a viable option, but as the feature was added because it was thought useful, I guess working to add a feature to disable that wanted (by devs) feature is probably not gonna happen. I guess fixing the search hang is more viable for everyone.

No problems with pamac — totally excellent. Another CLI tool is not needed

Option to disable autocomplete may not be simple to implement, but it could be used as a workaround whilst the search delay time is reduced

I am not against getting autocomplete working, I just prefer not to use it if it is missing a beat

If Manjaro Team can get delay time down to say <250ms I probably won’t mind it

Not completely accurate. TOO many times if you use Pamac to check for updates and compare that to what’s actually out there to be updated Pamac will miss items.

I’m experiencing delays, not of 1-2 seconds, but of 3-4 minutes. So I’m not sure if my problem is the same. Anyone got ideas how I can investigate further the reasons for the delay?

First open a support thread I guess if you want help on a specific issue.

Yeah, I created another post which got me pointed here…

Since my issue seems to be mysteriously resolved I can point back and watch the wheel turning full circle.

Apologies for what turned out to be unnecessary posting!